| - Echte naam: Jocasta Aliassen: - Nationaliteit: - Herkomst of krachtbron: - Affiniteit/groepsconnecties: A.R.M.O.R.; Avengers, Mighty Avengers Bekende relaties: Wasp (Henry Pym) (geliefde) Krachten: - Wapens en accessoires: - Eerste optreden: Avengers #162 (August, 1977) Bedacht door: Jim Shooter, George Perez
- Jocasta was an Artificial Intelligence created by Tony Stark. It appears in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
- Jocasta is a U.I program created by Tony Stark.
- Kategoria:Szkic Jocasta - robot, była poszukiwaczka przygód i komputer Tony'ego Starka.thumb|242px
- The tale goes that one day her husband, King Laius of Thebes, consulted an oracle while she was heavily pregnant with Oedipus. The oracle told Laius that the child was destined to kill his father and sleep with his mother. Hence, in an attempt to evade the prophecy, King Laius decided that the child must be brought up to the mountain separating the city of Thebes from Corinth. He bade a servant travel to the top of the mountain to expose the infant, but once there the servant was overcome by pity and unable to abandon the baby. Instead, he passed the infant on to a nearby shepherd, and eventually Oedipus was adopted by Polybus, the king of Corinth, and raised as a prince.
- Édipo vê cumprir-se o oráculo funesto: Tebas entregue, em luto, à peste que a devasta, E, sobre o trono em sânie e o leito desonesto, Morta, infâmia da terra e asco de céu, Jocasta. Louco, vociferando, erguendo a grita e o gesto Contra os deuses, mordendo a poeira em que se arrasta, O mísero, medindo o parricídio e o incesto, Quer da vista apagar a lembrança nefasta: Os dois olhos, às mãos, das órbitas arranca Em sangue borbotando, em lágrimas fervendo, Para o pavor matar na esmagada retina...