| - The last straw is when Emberstar sends a warrior 'round to ask for our surrender before she will...to use her words 'pulverize' us. Can you see me shaking in my fur? I should be scared. Most everyone else is scared. Silverstar sits up all night on the rock she calls Clan meetings from, her tired eyes scanning camp for danger. Thorn spends all day training with me, working himself harder then he works me and fidgets, torn with nightmares in his sleep. The kits wail and night and the elders whisper in the day. I should be shaking in my fur. But rage keeps me going. Rage at Emberstar for ruining the shreds of happiness I recently found here. Rage at Drakon for once again ruining my life. Rage at Cobweb for....well, what has Cobweb done yet? No matter what Emberstar implies, I know he will be fine...I know he won't do anything evil. He's still Cobweb. Tomorrow Drakon arrives in the forest. The next day the war begins. I know I should be hunting or something, but I want to see what Thorn has planned for us today. As I think that, he pads out of the warriors' den. His ginger fur practically lights up the camp, but it's marred by the fact that the usual playfulness in his bright green eyes is replaced by a dread I would never associate with Thorn. For one of Drakon's trained killers, he's more of a kit then most of the kits. I purr and bound over to him, "What're we doing today?" "Can we talk?" he asks. I nod, all cheerfulness draining from me. Thorn silently leads me out of the camp, out into the lush territory. It's hard to believe our death's are impending when the forest is so alive. Birds sing, squirrels prance about...it's infuriating. Thorn leads me deep upstream, to the places we don't usually patrol. He must want to talk about Emberstar and Drakon- Silverstar told both of us to keep our mouths shut least we scare the kits. "If I hear one whimper about either of you telling the kits or apprentices about this," she had hissed, "I will line my nest with your pelts. Understand?" It's so hard to hate her when she's so awesome. Thorn stops and sits, motioning for me to as well. I tuck my tail in beneath me and listen as he takes a deep breath. "Firefly, I'm worried...we got away too easily in ShadowClan camp." I give him a confused look, "You complaining?" He sighs and shakes his head, "No, it's just...Emberstar must know who we are. Who we were. If we were just RiverClan cats she would've killed us or kept us prisoner or something. She knows we betrayed Drakon, she knows we ran away." "What are you saying?" I ask, a prickle of dread creeping up my spine. "I'm saying," Thorn meows, "That Emberstar has something else planned for us. And I want to know what it is."