| - Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Manga y anime
- Yaoi (止めてください) has existed longer than the universe itself. Yaoi is a Japanese acronym that comes from the phrase, “Yamete! Watashi no Oshiri ga Itai,” which, roughly translated, means "Stop it! My butt hurts!" and as such is aimed at over-the-top straight men and children, but only after Catholic mass.
- Wie Shōnen Ai, hat aber meist eher die sexuelle Beziehung zum Thema. Auf Anime-loads gibt es kein Yaoi Die Antwort auf die Frage: wäre sicherlich interessant. xD
- Yaoi is another term for a certain type of slash in anime or manga continua. The term purportedly originated as an acronym of the phrase "yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi," which means "no climax, no point, no meaning."[] More specifically, it refers to male/male slash, while yuri refers to female/female slash.
- Yaoi began in the doujinshi markets of Japan in the late 1970s, mostly as parody works; but male same-sex love had previously been presented in shonen-ai, june and tanbi works. BL authors and fans are careful to distinguish BL from “gay manga,” which is created by and for gay men. Some male mangaka have produced BL works. The main characters in yaoi usually conform to the stereotypes of the older: a masculine seme (dominant/top in relationship) who pursues the younger, feminine uke (bottom).
- Many of the Yaoi pictures seen in the episode were drawn and submitted by South Park fans, at the request of the show's creators.
- Yaoi is a term for boy x boy pairing. It was created for and by females who are fans of the homosexual male relationships. Most of these yaoi pairing are fantasy only and appear in many doujinshi comic books. Yaoi has caused a bunch of flaming due to the fan supporting a certain pairing. Each yaoi pairing has a seme and an uke. The seme is the one on top of the relation and is also known as the attacker. The Uke is the one on the bottom of the relationship and is also known as the reciever.
- Yaoi es una representación artística, erótica o romántica de relaciones de amor entre dos personas del género masculino. Este género solo se aplica a los animes, los mangas o ficción, con historias creadas y orientadas generalmente para el público femenino.
- Lo yaoi era un'antica pratica di tortura medioevale in uso nello Spagnogallo dell'undecimo secolo; generalmente veniva messa in pratica dalle fungirl nei confronti di un selezionatissimo gruppo di ragazzi proveniente dal mondo delle fiabe ehm, degli anime e dei manga; consisteva in pratica nell'immaginare l'accoppiamento di due esseri umani, rigorosamente maschi, che nel proprio manga manco si cagavano l'uno con l'altro se non per il fatto che lottavano in continuazione nel correre dietro alla troia del paese. La parola "yaoi" deriva dal tedesco, e precisamente dalle particelle Ya ed Oi, che significano rispettivamente Sì e Ohhhhhhhhhhhh; si possono trovare molto spesso nei rapporti sessuali, quindi quelle frasi prive di senso che recitano "Sì, sì, sìììììì... Oh Ohhhhhhhh..." si traducono
- In Japan, the term has largely been replaced by the rubric Boys' Love(ボーイズラブBōizu Rabu), which subsumes both parodies and original works, and commercial as well as dōjinshi works. Although the genre is called Boys' Love (commonly abbreviated as "BL"), the males featured are pubescent or older. Works featuring prepubescent boys are labeled shotacon, and seen as a distinct genre. Yaoi (as it continues to be known among English-speaking fans) has spread beyond Japan: both translated and original yaoi is now available in many countries and languages.
- right|250px Yaoi (jap. 㚻; wym. jaoi), znane również jako boys’ love (jap. ボーイズ ラブ, bōizu rabu) – kierunek w sztuce japońskiej, z reguły tworzony przez kobiety i dla kobiet, przedstawiający seksualne lub romantyczne relacje pomiędzy mężczyznami, bardzo często postaciami pochodzącymi z popularnych filmów, seriali, książek czy gier komputerowych. Utwory tego gatunku odegrały znaczącą rolę w odcinku Tweek i Craig z serii dziewiętnastej, w którym azjatyckie uczennice szkoły podstawowej tworzyły rysunki przedstawiające Tweeka i Craiga w związku, co doprowadziło do tego, że mieszkańcy South Parku zaczęli uważać ich za gejowską parę.