| - The Colossus is armed and also named after the weapon it carries, the Colossus Siege Mortar. This weapon is the largest and most powerful mortar used by the Imperial Guard. The weapon fires special high concussion shells, which upon impact create explosive shock-waves that are capable of crushing bones, cracking rocks, and pulping flesh. The weapon is mostly used to destroy enemy infantry in cover, since the shock-waves produced by the Colossus' shells are able to kill their soft targets without first destroying their hard cover, but the Colossus is also capable of destroying even fortified targets, crushing the defenders beneath tons of rubble and debris. The Colossus' range is equal to that of the much more common Basilisk artillery piece, and like most mortar weapons it is incapable of
| - The Colossus is armed and also named after the weapon it carries, the Colossus Siege Mortar. This weapon is the largest and most powerful mortar used by the Imperial Guard. The weapon fires special high concussion shells, which upon impact create explosive shock-waves that are capable of crushing bones, cracking rocks, and pulping flesh. The weapon is mostly used to destroy enemy infantry in cover, since the shock-waves produced by the Colossus' shells are able to kill their soft targets without first destroying their hard cover, but the Colossus is also capable of destroying even fortified targets, crushing the defenders beneath tons of rubble and debris. The Colossus' range is equal to that of the much more common Basilisk artillery piece, and like most mortar weapons it is incapable of firing directly at its targets. The Colossus is also equipped with a hull-mounted Heavy Bolter, which can be replaced with a Heavy Flamer. The tank can also be outfitted with camouflage netting, an enclosed crew compartment, a Hunter-Killer Missile Launcher, a dozer blade, extra armour plating, and a Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber or Storm Bolter.