| - There are three types of prizes that you can get from your contribution to each of these projects, based on the number of Image:20xProduction5.png Production you contributed to the project. The first two, File:BronzeCoup ThirdPlace.png Bronze and File:SilverCoup SecondPlace.png Silver, simply require you to contribute a set amount of Image:20xProduction5.png Production, while the last one, File:GoldenCoup FirstPlace.png Gold, requires you to have contributed the most to the project.
| - There are three types of prizes that you can get from your contribution to each of these projects, based on the number of Image:20xProduction5.png Production you contributed to the project. The first two, File:BronzeCoup ThirdPlace.png Bronze and File:SilverCoup SecondPlace.png Silver, simply require you to contribute a set amount of Image:20xProduction5.png Production, while the last one, File:GoldenCoup FirstPlace.png Gold, requires you to have contributed the most to the project. The progress of the project is updated each turn, although this doesn't show on the main screen. Instead, global notes are issued after the project passes some thresholds (for example 40%). You can. however, check the exact progress at all times by simply pointing at the project icon in any of your cities that works on it. The pop-up info tab will show you not only the exact amount of Image:20xProduction5.png Production you have contributed currently, but also the exact completion percentage. You can use this through several turns to extrapolate approximately how much other civilizations are contributing, and do you have a chance to compete for the Gold Medal.