| - Sonic the Werehog es una forma de Sonic que consigue en la noche cuando recibe poder del Dark Gaia, en esta forma Sonic se vuelve mas lento, pero aumenta notablemente su fuerza y es capaz de estirar sus brazos. Solamente aparece cuando el Sol se pone y cuando empieza la noche, Sonic se transforma en Werehog. Su primera aparición fue en Sonic Unleashed.
- Sonic turns into a werehog in Super Mario Silver Spurs: Episode Three. He takes this form to take on evil mutants, with the help of a possessed Gumball and Dry Bowser. Oddly enough, Sonic is able to control his werehog form in the movie, but only at night.
- Sonic the Werehog (also known as Werehog Sonic, Beast Sonic or simply the Werehog) is a corrupt transformation that Sonic the Hedgehog undergoes in Sonic Unleashed. It is caused by Dr. Eggman and a special ray that hits Sonic with Dark Gaia's power, in turn, the energy from Dark Gaia had turned Sonic into this from. Sonic finds out at sundown he changes into the Werehog. When Dark Gaia awakened, he tried to destroy Chip but Sonic managed to push him out of the way. Dark Gaia, outraged, took Sonic's Dark powers away from him
- Sonic the Werehog (ソニック・ザ・ウェアホッグ Sonikku za Ueahoggu?) is a transformation that appears in Sonic Unleashed. A bestial, werewolf-like form of Sonic the Hedgehog, this transformation was created when Sonic accidentally absorbed a large dose of Dark Gaia's energy onboard the Chaos Energy Cannon, although the transformation itself would only be triggered by nighttime and remain active until daytime. Sonic eventually lost this form permanently when Dark Gaia reclaimed the energy that caused the transformation.
- Sonic the Werehog is a werewolf-like form of Sonic the Hedgehog and a protagonist who appeared in the video game Sonic Unleashed. He was actually Sonic who, after accidently trapped by Dr. Eggman and turned into a Werehog, Sonic must find the 7 Chaos Emeralds to restore Mobius and turned back into his normal form, he must stop Dark Gaia from destroying Mobius and he is helped by Chip.
- Sonic the Werehog (ソニック・ザ・ウェアホッグ Sonikku za Ueahoggu) ist eine Transformation von Sonic the Hedgehog. Der Igel kann sich im Spiel Sonic Unleashed nachts in diese Transformation verwandeln. Ist es Tag, bleibt Sonic in seiner natürlichen Form.
- |This article is about Sonic's alter ego in Sonic Unleashed. For information about the other form, see see Sonic the Hedgehog. |} Sonic the Werehog is Sonic's alter ego in Sonic Unleashed. This form was created when Sonic accidently absorbed a large dose of Dark Gaia's energies, while the transformation would be triggered by nighttime and remain active until daytime came, essentially making Sonic the Werehog a hedgehog/Dark Gaia's Minions hybrid. Sonic later lost this form permanently when Dark Gaia reclaimed the energies that caused the transformation.
- Sonic the Werehog (ソニック・ザ・ウェアホッグ Sonikku za Ueahoggu?, pol. Jeżołak) – transformacja Sonica pojawiająca się w grze Sonic Unleashed. W tej formie niebieski jeż przemienia się w bestię, podobną do wilkołaka. Transformacja powstała kiedy Sonic przez przypadek absorbował część energii Dark Gai. Sonic zmieniał się w Jeżołaka każdej nocy, ale utracił transformację po tym jak Dark Gaia odebrała mu swoją moc.
- Sonic the Werehog (known by some fans as Werewolf Sonic, Nightmare Sonic, or WereSonic) is Sonic's beastial form in the game Sonic Unleashed. Sonic the Hedgehog was transformed when Dr. Eggman used a machine to painfully suck out the power of the Chaos Emeralds in its entirety from Super Sonic, with which Eggman would fire a specialized laser weapon at the planet, releasing and awakening the creature known as Dark Gaia from the core of the planet. It is stated in-game that it is Dark Gaia's power that causes Sonic's nightly transformation into this form.
- Sonic the Werehog was first formed when the great buffoon of an idiot Dr. Robotnik foolishly thought he actually had a chance of potentially putting a scratch on Super Sonic. The great fool raised some kind of energy weapon of some sort, and pulled the trigger. Super Sonic laughed at his efforts, so he decided to show Super Sonic who was boss. He fired a Death Star laser from his Death Egg, and blew up some random planet. Sonic, furious, launched himself at Robotnik. But then, he fell to the ground before he could beat up the overweight doctor.