| - Commander Vincent Shepard was a Spectre, and commander of the alliance vessel, the SSV Normandy. He was one of the most pivotal figures in the war against the Geth, the Collectors, and the Reapers, and one of man-kind's greatest heros. He is also a minor character in Mass Effect: Chronicles of a Silent Galaxy. Shepard was born in 2154 CE, on Mindoir, growing up in prosperity until 2170 CE, when Batarian slavers sacked the planet. During the raid, his parents were killed, however, Vincent managed to elude and hide from the slavers inside a cargo hold. Inside the cargo hold he was exposed to element zero in its dust form. He was later rescued by an Systems Alliance team led by Aaron Lucious. In the next two years, Vincent developed biotic capabilities, and enlisted into the Alliance marine core. Shepard proved himself to by a more than capable soldier, and was invited into the ICT Program, later graduating and earning his N7 in 2175. The following year, Shepard would almost single handedly defend a colony on Elysium during the Skyllian Blitz, making him famous across the galaxy. In 2183 CE, Shepard, now the XO of the SSV Normandy, under the command of David Anderson, ventured to Eden Prime, along with Turian Spectre Nihlus to recover a Prothean Becan. This was to be the first of Shepard's missions evaluating him for the Spectres.