| - Start: Wanted Poster in Ost Forod Bestowal Dialogue: The poster advertises a bounty on a vicious Warg named Thauk, described as a 'bloodthirsty creature known to be in league with the goblins that stalk Tyrn Fornech,' and invites interested parties to seek out Rowena Parker in Ost Forod for details and to apply for the commission. Background: A bounty has been taken out on Thauk, a vicious Warg in league with the goblins that prowl Tyrn Fornech. Objective: 1. Rowena Parker is in Ost Forod, the old watch-post in the hills of Tyrn Fornech. A poster advertising a bounty for the capture or defeat of a vicious Warg called Thauk caught your eye. If you would like to apply for this bounty, you should speak with Rowena Parker. 2. The Warg Thauk is in the goblin-camp at Tûm Fuin, north of Ost Forod. You have accepted the commission of the bounty on Thauk. 3. Rowena Parker is in Ost Forod, the old watch-post in the hills of Tyrn Fornech. You have defeated the Warg Thauk and should now report back to Rowena Parker. 4. Basil Gummidge is in Ost Forod, the old watch-post in the hills of Tyrn Fornech. You have defeated Thauk and should now report to Basil Gummidge to collect your reward. Reward: 20s30c This quest has been flagged as "Requiring more data" about its rewards. We're probably just missing a screenshot of the items, and/or their names. Everything else should be fine. Carry on, adventurer!If you have this information, we'd love it if you could edit the page and add it.