| - The wizard-king Tar-Baphon was killed by Aroden on the Isle of Terror (at the center of Lake Encarthan) in 896 AR. His remains ended up in what would become Ustalav. In 3203 AR, he was somehow able to use the power of the Whispering Way to return as a lich. An ancient tome, the Whispers of the Immortal, purportedly written by a disciple of Tar-Baphon, documents his transition into undeath. However, there are significant doubts about its authenticity. In 3818 AR the Knights of Ozem summoned Arazni, the Herald of Aroden, to aid them in the war. However, in 3823 AR the Tyrant killed Arazni.
| - The wizard-king Tar-Baphon was killed by Aroden on the Isle of Terror (at the center of Lake Encarthan) in 896 AR. His remains ended up in what would become Ustalav. In 3203 AR, he was somehow able to use the power of the Whispering Way to return as a lich. An ancient tome, the Whispers of the Immortal, purportedly written by a disciple of Tar-Baphon, documents his transition into undeath. However, there are significant doubts about its authenticity. He sought to attract the attention of Aroden, and to gain his revenge, but Aroden did not take up his challenge. Styling himself the Whispering Tyrant, Tar-Baphon united the orcs of Belkzen under his rule and conquered Ustalav. Centuries later, in 3754 AR, Taldor sought to oust the Whispering Tyrant, giving rise to the drawn out conflict that became known as the Shining Crusade. The forces of Taldor were aided by the dwarven kingdom of Kraggodan (in modern day Nirmathas), and the Knights of Ozem. In 3801 AR , the crusaders finally established a beachhead in the (then) Ustalavic town of Vellumis, and began the slow and brutal process of advancing to the Tyrant’s capital of Gallowspire. In 3818 AR the Knights of Ozem summoned Arazni, the Herald of Aroden, to aid them in the war. However, in 3823 AR the Tyrant killed Arazni. At last, in 3827 AR, the crusaders reached Gallowspire. The Taldan general, Arnisant, fought the Tyrant and using the artifact known as the Shield of Aroden was able to withstand the lich’s magic. When the shield eventually shattered, it burned the lich with holy fire, weakening the Tyrant enough that the crusaders were able to imprison him beneath Gallowspire. The province of Lastwall (now an independent country of the same name) was established to watch over the Tyrant’s prison.