| - Comics from Captain N: The Game Master were made, but only with Nintendo characters. Characters from third parties like Capcom and Konami don't appear in the comics. However, before being canceled, the final issue of the Captain N comic series had promised an appearance by Mega Man and Dr. Wily.
- The show first premiered on September 9, 1989 and ended on October 26, 1991 after airing for 3 seasons & 34 episodes.
- The origins of Captain N: The Game Master can be traced to two separate sources:
* A 1988 pitch for a Nintendo-based series called Buddy Boy, developed by Fil Barlow and Executive Producer Richard Raynis, which would have been based on Paperboy but also starred Mega Man, Kid Icarus, King Hippo, Eggplant Wizard, and Donkey Kong, among others.
* A two-part prose story called "Captain Nintendo" by Nintendo Power editor Randy Studdard. It was serialized in the November/December 1988 and January/February 1989 issues. The story, beyond a very basic premise, bears almost no resemblance to Captain N.
- In the U.S., the show aired as part of the Saturday morning cartoon lineup on NBC. The show incorporated elements from many of the most popular Nintendo games of the time. There was also a comic book version by Valiant Comics, albeit only featuring characters from Nintendo-produced games.
- NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. ... I love whores. I love everything about them. How willing they are to sell their souls for money, and how cheerful they can be in the process. ... Oh, I'm not talking about the people who sell their bodies. No no no. I'm talking about media whores. NC: And heeeeere's another one! Announcer: Captain N, the Game Master! NC (vo): So let's take a look at the story of this show. It seems everything takes place in a fictional realm called Video Land. Announcer: Welcome to Video Land! Megaman: Mega Hi! Soldiers: Oh-ee-oh. Ee-oh.
- Captain N: The Game Master, inglés para Capitán N: El Maestro del Juego fue una serie de televisión de finales de la década de los 80 e inicios de los 90. Trataba sobre un adolescente llamado Kevin Keene, quien era transportado a Videoland, un mundo con personajes de videojuegos. Cerebro Madre aparecía como principal antagonista de la serie. Vivía en un asteroide que recibía el nombre de "Metroid". Samus Aran no aparece en ningún momento. 1.
- It featured Mother Brain (voiced by Levi Stubbs of The Four Tops, and bearing little to no resemblance to her portrayal in the actual games) as the chief antagonist operating out of a fortified asteroid referred to as Metroid. The events of the Captain N series are not regarded as canon, and are more of a "What if?" story.
- Lara, the Princess takes one look at Kevin and says that she believes he is the hero prohphosised about, after prooving himself through a series of tests set up by Link the Hylian NOT elf Kevin prooves he is indeed the hero. He is then informed that Mother Brain has taken the rightful king of Videoland King Charles and banished him to the outskirts where all of the abandoned characters wind up. Spoiler warning: Spoilers end here.
- It was based on a character called Captain N created for a Nintendo Power magazine article, eventually being picked up as a cartoon by Nintendo itself. The series was actually quite popular during its run and acted as a "commercial" for many video game franchises, having a large cast of memorable heroes and villains. In addition to Pit himself (who actually went by the name Kid Icarus), the series included other video game stars in the cast such as Megaman from the Megaman series, Simon Belmont from the Castlevania series, and Link from the Legend of Zelda series among many others. Despite its awkward portrayal of Pit, Captain N: The Game Master is said to be one of the biggest contributors to his popularity and following.
- Captain N: The Game Master is a cartoon that ran on NBC from 1989 to 1991. It featured characters & elements from many video games whether they were from the Nintendo library (Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Punch-Out) or games merely distributed on the NES (Mega Man, Castlevania, Final Fantasy).
- thumb Captain N: The Game Master era una serie animada de televisión que se emitió originalmente en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Austria, Australia (donde fue llamada "Capitán Nintendo") y Nueva Zelanda desde 1989 hasta 1993. En EE.UU., el programa salió al aire como parte de la alineación de dibujos animados para sábados por la mañana en NBC. El show incorpora elementos de muchos de los videojuegos de esa Nintendo más populares de la época. Existe también una versión cómic de Valiant Comics aunque sólo presentaba exclusivamente a personajes de los videojuegos propios producidos por Nintendo.
| - Comics from Captain N: The Game Master were made, but only with Nintendo characters. Characters from third parties like Capcom and Konami don't appear in the comics. However, before being canceled, the final issue of the Captain N comic series had promised an appearance by Mega Man and Dr. Wily.
- The show first premiered on September 9, 1989 and ended on October 26, 1991 after airing for 3 seasons & 34 episodes.
- thumb Captain N: The Game Master era una serie animada de televisión que se emitió originalmente en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Austria, Australia (donde fue llamada "Capitán Nintendo") y Nueva Zelanda desde 1989 hasta 1993. En EE.UU., el programa salió al aire como parte de la alineación de dibujos animados para sábados por la mañana en NBC. El show incorpora elementos de muchos de los videojuegos de esa Nintendo más populares de la época. Existe también una versión cómic de Valiant Comics aunque sólo presentaba exclusivamente a personajes de los videojuegos propios producidos por Nintendo. El programa fue cancelado junto con varios otros dibujos animados una vez que NBC comenzó a cambiar su formato para, así hacer más tiempo para programas de noticias. Las críticas de los grupos de gobierno y de vigilancia, sobre que la alineación de sábado por la mañana de NBC consistía mayormente de anuncios pobremente encubiertos dirigidos a los niños, también pueden haber desempeñado un papel. El programa pasó por varios cambios, el más visible de los cuales vinieron con la tercera temporada de la serie. La segunda temporada introdujo al extraño personaje Game Boy (basado en la famosa plataforma portátil), que resultó ser uno de los personajes menos populares de la serie. En su tercera temporada (1991), el show tomaría cambios más radicales que fueron desaprobados por los fans. La animación se simplifico drásticamente (debido a un cambio del estudio de animación), la longitud de cada episodio se redujo a 15 minutos y la calidad general de los guiones y la fluidez en la animación de la serie se redujeron. A diferencia de las dos temporadas anteriores (que tenían trece episodios), la última temporada tuvo siete episodios. Finalmente la serie fue cancelada muy poco después.
- Captain N: The Game Master, inglés para Capitán N: El Maestro del Juego fue una serie de televisión de finales de la década de los 80 e inicios de los 90. Trataba sobre un adolescente llamado Kevin Keene, quien era transportado a Videoland, un mundo con personajes de videojuegos. Cerebro Madre aparecía como principal antagonista de la serie. Vivía en un asteroide que recibía el nombre de "Metroid". Samus Aran no aparece en ningún momento. "Captain N" fue también una serie de comics publicados como parte del Nintendo Comics System. En dichos comics, Samus Aran tenía un rol más importante como miembro del Equipo N. 1.
- NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. ... I love whores. I love everything about them. How willing they are to sell their souls for money, and how cheerful they can be in the process. ... Oh, I'm not talking about the people who sell their bodies. No no no. I'm talking about media whores. NC (vo): The people who create stories and ideas solely for the purpose of selling their products. In the late 80s, and early 90s, there was no bigger brothel for media whores than Nintendo. Now, before you go nuts, I LOVE Nintendo. Who doesn't? It's like the greatest video game company in the world. But that doesn't mean they didn't sell out time after time when it came to their spin-off products, mostly in television and movie development. Time after time, Nintendo has put out horribly written and horribly executed shows and films that had no interest in actually entertaining the viewer, but rather just selling more Nintendo games and accessories. NC: And heeeeere's another one! Announcer: Captain N, the Game Master! NC (vo): Ah yes, Captain N, the Game Master. The Saturday morning TV show that instantly made you want to play more Nintendo games. Why? BECAUSE ANYTHING WAS BETTER THAN WATCHING THIS PISS POOR PUTRID PILE OF PIXELATED PIGSHIT!!! So get out your Nintendo blasters and gamepads, we're gonna look at Captain N. NC (vo): So let's take a look at the story of this show. It seems everything takes place in a fictional realm called Video Land. Announcer: Welcome to Video Land! Megaman: Mega Hi! NC: Yes, I'd imagine you'd have to be in order to watch this. NC (vo): It turns out that the Palace of Power is under attack by evil forces carrying evil pizza cutters! I would insert that "oh-ee-oh" sound effect here, but I don't need to. They already put it in. Soldiers: Oh-ee-oh. Ee-oh. NC: I do love it when the show makes the jokes for me. NC (vo): So the evil forces are led by King Hippo, from the game (Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out; Eggplant Wizard, from Kid Icarus; and Mother Brain, from Metroid. Mother Brain: It won't be long before I, beautiful goddess that I am... NC: Good, god. It's like if my mucus became a drag queen. [Mother Brain laughs evilly] By the way, tell me if that sassy voice sounds familiar. Mother Brain: Then I'll be the beautiful queen of Video Land! Audrey II: Does this look inanimate to you, punk?! NC: That's right! It's the plant, from Little Shop of Horrors. I guess he's just always playing genderly ambiguous monsters with no feet... Mother Brain: One human alone could never beat me! NC: So this is what happens when you cross Joan Rivers with Tina Turner. Mother Brain: That's right! NC (vo): Meanwhile, inside the Palace of Power, we see the other video game characters trying to protect the palace, like Megaman. Megaman: (in a very scratchy voice) A pleasure to serve you, your worship. (Different clips play) You get a low score for this. If Kid Icarus trusts you, I trust you! NC as Megaman: It's like if Popeye smoked an entire Marlboro factory! NC: Kid Icarus, who would later be known in the gaming world as Pit.
* (This is actually a mistake on both Critic and the show's parts, as the character's name was ALWAYS Pit and was never at any point Kid Icarus) Kid Icarus: She's very much upset-icus! (Diffrent clips play) My arrows will stop that ape-icus maximus. Speaking of her highnicus... NC: Yeah, you probably caught on that his funny thing is saying "-icus" at the end of words. In-fucking-genious. Kid Icarus: There's someone at the door-icus... (Different clips play) You can count of me, Princess-icus. You big ape-icus! NC as Kid Icarus: My testicus haven't dropped-icus... NC (vo): And Simon Belmont, from the Castlevania games. Simon: Megaman, shine my boots. Kid Icarus, I could use a little trim. Not too much off the top. NC: Oh, Simon. What have they done to you? Simon: I know. NC (vo): They took this cool badass of a superhero and turned him into a foppy, egotistical, gay-wad! Simon: I'm the handsomest, so I must find the Princess and kiss her. NC: It's like if Bruce Campbell's chin never stopped growing! Simon: Ew, slime! NC (vo): I mean, where did they even get the idea to gay him up so much? I mean, the original hero has long hair, wears leather, carries a whip, jumps around in a skirt- I think I just answered my own question. Simon: Let a real man show you how it's done. NC (vo): The ruler of the Palace of Power is Princess Lana. Oh yeah, from the game... 80's Fashion Vomit? NC (vo): Ok, so Lana was never actually a video game character. They just made her up*
* Actually she did appear in the comic book that this show was originally based on. Lana: You may have helped me win the battle, but the war is far from over. NC (vo): And like a lot of these shows, I got to ask again: Why the hell isn't she a queen? I mean I know younger girls associate princesses with youth and beauty, but come on! If there's no one else there to rule, you're a goddamn queen! Lana: It is I who should apologize to you. NC (vo): But just like a lot of other shows I've reviewed, they get to keep their cute little title because the king is still technically alive, but just not around. Lana: I've tried to lead my people since you disappeared but I failed. NC as Lana: I'm still a princess because my father's ... RPG: Lost. Dead. Drunk. Darth Vader. Insane. Stuck. NC as Lana: ...stuck. Yeah, that's it. ... in a ... RPG: Time warp. Black hole. Castle. Elevator. Parallel Dimension. NC as Lana: ...parallel dimension. Ooh, that's rich. ... where he has no royal authority. RPG: He just eats combos and farts. NC as Lana: So I don't have to make any hard choices or take any responsibility ... RPG: Just bumming it. NC as Lana: ...because he still technically is king and I just have to smile and wear pretty dresses. RPG: Go me! NC as Lana: Politics is fun! NC (vo): So, seeing how's there's only four people and no guards in the palace, I guess we're not surprised that it's being taken over, but luckily a magic element informs our heroes that a lone warrior is being summoned to help them. A magic element simply known as The Power Glove. Power Glove: The legend of Video Land foretells of a young warrior. He is Captain N, The Game Master. Behold, the ultimate warp zone! NC: It's like the power glove of the frickin' gods! Where the hell would they get such a magical entity? Lucas: I love the power glove. It's so bad. NC: Lucas! Darling... NC (vo): So the power glove goes into the real world, or at least what we consider the real world in the 80s, as a young gamer named Kevin is sucked into the realms of Video Land. By the way, do you know what the fuck this is? (he means a green mutant coming out of the TV screen) It's only on the screen for a second but they always showed it in the opening. I could never tell if that was something sucking him in or if that was him being sucked in. Is that what happens when you cross dimensions? You become the CG version of Kermit the Frog and Max Headroom? Max Headroom (dubbed by NC): It's not easy being guh guh guh guh green! NC (vo): So Kevin, and his little dog too, are transported to the Palace of Power where Lana and the others are waiting. Kevin: Simon Belmont? Kid Icarus? Megaman? NC as Kevin: Wow, you look nothing like your original designs! Lana: The ultimate warp zone brought you here. Kevin: You mean like Warp Zone 4 in Super Mario Bros? NC as Lana: No, that game is much cooler. Lana: The legend foretold of you coming here to restore peace and freedom to our world. That's why it gave you that super power pad and zapper. NC (with an announcer voice): Only $19.95. Available at most video game outlets. Castlevania, Kid Icarus, Megaman, and whatever the hell this chick was in are also available. NC (vo): Thus is the plot to Captain N: Our five heroes trying to stop the evil Mother Brain from taking over the Palace of Power. Announcer: Captain N. the Game Master! NC: By the way, I know this is really immature but have you ever listened to the announcer say that title without actually reading it? It sounds different. Listen. Announcer: Captain N, the Gay Master! NC: Doesn't it sound like that? I mean, I know I just made a gay joke, but that's what it sounds like! Wouldn't the more appropriate title be ... NC as Announcer: Captain N, the Sexually Confused Yet Physically and Emotionally Open Minded Master! NC (vo): So, you know, asides from lame lines, nonsensical stories, and completely misunderstood character development, what specifically is wrong with this show? Well how about the fact that nothing in this world is consistent. For example, we clearly see that pretty much anytime he wants, Kevin can use his Nintendo Pad to pause reality. Well, why the hell doesn't he just do that all the time? Wouldn't that make everything a lot easier? I mean, how come he doesn't just confront Mother Brain like this? Mother Brain: Prepare to meet your match, Captain N! Ah ha ha! NC: I'm awesome. NC (vo): Or how about these warp zones that they keep using? They can apparently jump from world to world whenever they want, so why don't they just warp to the inside of the enemy's room and zap them? In fact, they DO THAT a few times! It seems so easy except they don't bring any guards or armies. They just use the Eggplant guy who just shits out some vegetables! Eggplant Wizard: I'm just an incompetent vegetable. NC (vo): Again, why doesn't Kevin just use the warp zone and shoot Mother Brain when she's in the middle of a hammy speech? Mother Brain: I'm not only the most beautiful brain in the world but I'm the ... NC: I'm awesome. NC (vo): But no. There's always some lame-ass excuse as to why he can't just blast her. Kevin: Into the warp zone. It's too dangerous to finish her off! NC as Kevin: We're contractually obligated to keep stalling for three more seasons! NC (vo): There were also things that were never in the game that they just flat-out made up. Like did you know that Simon Belmont's whip literally has a mind of its own? Simon: I'm not going to do anything. But my whip is going to whup you. NC (in a gay voice): Now, his sexual preference I can't speak for. Hee hee hee hee hee hee! Oh my! NC (vo): Yeah, it's pretty easy to make fun of this guy, especially when you see how he's defeated half of the time. NC (vo): A bag. The greatest vampire hunter in the world is defeated by a bag. NC: This guy couldn't defeat Count Chocula! Simon: Of course. NC (vo): Also, isn't Kevin's mother worried about him? I mean there must be missing posters all throughout the neighborhood. Wouldn't she be worried sick? In fact, in the first episode he actually has a chance to go back, but decides not to. That's a good lesson for the kids, right? If it comes down to video games or your family, always pick the fucking video games. Kevin's Mother: Kevin, you better not be playing that foolish game. You have homework to do. And don't forget to take out the trash. Kevin: On second thought, I guess I could stay a little while longer. NC: Hmm. Life threatening situations of certain doom or taking out the trash ... ... Have fun filing those police reports, Mom! NC (vo): That and the animation is just horrible, and I mean horrible. Like look at the expression on Simon's face here. (Simon's mouth is open as he has a dumbfounded look on his face) Did he just give himself a full frontal lobotomy? Knight: No one enters Castle Iron Squire! NC as Simon: Duuuuuuuuuuhhhhh! Knight: I don't except credit cards! NC as Simon: Duhhaaaaaaaaahhhh! NC (vo): And look at this! They actually forgot to put in the BACKGROUND. Are you fucking serious? And trust me, this isn't some kind of artistic license. They're in the middle of a bayou. There is no reason it should look like this. And I would understand if maybe they did once by accident, but I counted it. They do it SEVEN times! (a clip from The Sound of Music plays) Sister Maria: Seven? NC (vo): That's right. Seven! Sister Maria: Well yes, but seven? NC (vo): I guess they could have, oh, I don't know, watched this before they sent it out to air. I mean I know it means having to sit through an entire episode and lord knows they're hard enough to watch, but my thought is that would sorta be required! NC: I mean seriously. What moron would have just a PLAIN WHITE BACKGROUND THE WHOLE ENTIRE TIME? ... He'd be a fucking idiot. NC (vo): And how about these rocking dance moves the heroes have? NC as Lana: Duh! Lana: Oh, I like this! NC (vo): Wow, if you thought white people dancing was bad, try animated white people dancing. That's right, princess, move that one leg! Flop the geriatric drowning look. NC (vo): As the show sadly got more and more popular, they actually decided to add a new character just blatantly called Game Boy. Bet you'd never guess what product they're trying to push here. Game Boy: Ready to commence gameplay. NC (vo): Apparently, Lana's father, who's trapped in the Dimension of Cheap Cop-Out Writing, has decided that instead of him entering back into the real world, he'll send this marketing ploy. King: I've decided it's best for Video Land to send another in my place. He is called Game Boy. I truly believe he will one day be our greatest hero. NC as King: Anyone who doesn't have one will be a loser. Run out to the video stores now. Dumbledore commands you, bitches! NC (vo): So they get Game Boy, who really has no personality or characteristics except for the fact that he sounds like a crappy download of Slimer. Game Boy: I am called Game Boy. I am programmed to play games. NC as King: Yes, Game Boy will be our greatest hero as he ruins all your possessions, try shooting you in armed combat machinery, and even manages to destroy your kitchen appliances! Truly I am a good king! NC (vo): But probably the episode that most people remember is the Zelda episode, where Captain N literally does a crossover with Link and Zelda from The Super Mario Bros. Super Show. How does this come about? Well, Zelda gets in contact with the Palace of Power for assistance. Zelda: Hyrule calling the Palace of Power. We're in need of a hero. NC as Zelda: I would use the one we have now but ... Link: Well excuuuuuuuuu... NC as Zelda: Yeah, that's not gonna work. NC (vo): So Kevin warps his way down to Hyrule because they heard rumors that Ganon is not yet destroyed and may actually be regaining his power. Kevin: You're a real video legend where I come from, Link. NC: That's why your name never appears in the title. Zelda knows how to pay for top billing. NC (vo): But its weird because it's the same voice actors but not exactly the same designs. I mean, Link looks like he got stuck in a fucking potato sack. When did the character look like that? And Zelda probably doesn't look any better ... Whoa boy! When did Zelda go all naval? Zelda: You two heroes can pat yourselves on the back some other time. NC: I guess she's taking the Disney Princess approach. And God bless her for it. Zelda: We have important business. Link: Oh, yeah right. Ganon! Kevin: I thought you wiped him out for good. Link: So did I. But we just heard a rumor that someone's trying to bring him back. Zelda: They're searching for a magic potion that will restore his power. We've got to find it first. NC: Ah, yes. I remember that magic element that was meant to bring back an evil that was almost destroyed. In fact, I was there... NC: I was there when the strength of men fell. NC: Cast it into the fire! Destroy It! Mario: A-no... Suck my big fat meatballs. (Leaves) NC: Mario! MARIOOOOO! NC: It should've ended that day. There was no more strength left in the world of plumbers... Anyway! NC (vo): Kevin, Link, Zelda, and Game Boy all travel to the village to find any info on the Potion of Power. Zelda: Excuse me? Peasant: Aaaah! Zelda: Don't be afraid. NC (vo): I like how the peasants actually dress more royally than Zelda does. That's a pretty bad sign. Peasant: Thank you for saving my son, kind sir. Please, take this as a reward. It's a map to an ancient desert palace that will unlock the potion of power you seek. NC as Peasant: All us peasants carry maps to potions of power... It's like backward hats: it just caught on. NC (vo): So as they continue on their quest, they find that Link isn't exactly a fan of Kevin, as they constantly try to show off in front of each other. Link: In case you haven't noticed, this isn't a game! Kevin: I can't just stand here and watch! Link: Yeah, right. Both Kevin and Link: I'll get it! Link: You're the hotshot game master. NC: (singing) My cock's bigger than your cock. My cock's double the size that yours is. NC (vo): But can you really blame him for getting upset? Zelda kisses Kevin in like a millisecond. Hasn't Link been trying to get her to do that for years? Zelda: We did it. We saved Hyrule thanks to you. (Kisses Kevin) NC: (imitates Link) Whatjuba? Whatjuba, you fucking cocktease? Was saving your ass over and over just not enough to get a little visit to first base? Fuck you! NC (vo): So, they fight through all sorts of baddies when they finally get to the potion of power guarded by a knight named Metalhead.*
* The knight's name is actually Iron Knuckle. Link: He's got Zelda! NC: No kidding, Zelda's captured. That's what really happens. NC (vo): But Eggplant and Hippo get the potion and give it to Ganon to help regain his strength. Ganon: Link! And you brought your friends for my coming-out party! NC: (shocked) You know I had some suspicions about the dress, but really this is quite a surprise. NC as Ganon: My pork sausage is your pork sausage. NC (vo): So the master of evil has all his power. How are they going to stop him? NC: So Ganon's a bit of a puss, who knew? Zelda: The best team of heroes ever. (She FINALLY kisses Link) Kevin: All right! NC: (imitating their arm movements)Let's celebrate by... pretending to make a pizza! NC (vo): So, that's Captain N: The Game Master. What a load of dumb. It's just like playing a real video game minus the process of actually enjoying it. In fact, I wish this was a video game. That way I can just use my game genie to jump all the way to the end credits whose names coincidentally all happen to be Alan Smithee. NC: Me personally. I can't wait for half the cast of this show to turn up on Video Game Confessions. Dominic: Oy. You don't want to hear that. It uh... ...it involves Mother Brain's genitalia. NC: All right, all right! God! Dominic: Told you. NC: I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. Announcer: Captain N, The Game Master!
- The origins of Captain N: The Game Master can be traced to two separate sources:
* A 1988 pitch for a Nintendo-based series called Buddy Boy, developed by Fil Barlow and Executive Producer Richard Raynis, which would have been based on Paperboy but also starred Mega Man, Kid Icarus, King Hippo, Eggplant Wizard, and Donkey Kong, among others.
* A two-part prose story called "Captain Nintendo" by Nintendo Power editor Randy Studdard. It was serialized in the November/December 1988 and January/February 1989 issues. The story, beyond a very basic premise, bears almost no resemblance to Captain N.
- Captain N: The Game Master is a cartoon that ran on NBC from 1989 to 1991. It featured characters & elements from many video games whether they were from the Nintendo library (Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Punch-Out) or games merely distributed on the NES (Mega Man, Castlevania, Final Fantasy). The premise of the show involved teenager Kevin Keene being sucked into the Ultimate Warp Zone to become Captain N, The Game Master. As Captain N, he led a team of heroes into battles against Mother Brain and her minions on a regular basis to keep Videoland safe. Several episodes saw the N Team having to travel to Dragon's Den, which was based off Dragon Quest (known as Dragon Warrior at the time the show aired).
- It featured Mother Brain (voiced by Levi Stubbs of The Four Tops, and bearing little to no resemblance to her portrayal in the actual games) as the chief antagonist operating out of a fortified asteroid referred to as Metroid. In the Captain N comic book series (part of the Nintendo Comics System), Samus Aran played a large role as a member of the N-Team and a rival of Princess Lana's for Kevin Keene's affection. Her portrayal, appearance, and background story remain fairly accurate to the current image of Samus (a faithfulness that was rarely extended to any of the other video game characters.) Kraid and Ridley also make a few brief appearances, based on their concept art from Metroid. The series is significant for featuring one of the first appearances of one of Samus's Gunships. While much larger, it bore the name "Hunter IV". The name "Hunter" was picked up again for the Gunship in Metroid Prime, over a decade later. The comic also had stories which took place on planet Zebes, unlike the cartoon which only used a titular asteroid as a locale to represent the series. In one comic, Mother Brain's subconscious self is represented as a blonde woman, that may have been the basis for MB. Samus herself never appeared in the cartoon the comics were based on, as the head writer for the first season "never heard of her." The events of the Captain N series are not regarded as canon, and are more of a "What if?" story.
- Lara, the Princess takes one look at Kevin and says that she believes he is the hero prohphosised about, after prooving himself through a series of tests set up by Link the Hylian NOT elf Kevin prooves he is indeed the hero. He is then informed that Mother Brain has taken the rightful king of Videoland King Charles and banished him to the outskirts where all of the abandoned characters wind up. Kevin and his N Team set across Videoland to save the king and stop the Mother Brain from taking over the whole planet! Meanwhile on the outskirts King Charles finds himself the defacto leader of a group of deserted characters including Takamaru, Sukapon, Mike Jones and Bubbles. Spoiler warning: Spoilers end here.
- It was based on a character called Captain N created for a Nintendo Power magazine article, eventually being picked up as a cartoon by Nintendo itself. The series was actually quite popular during its run and acted as a "commercial" for many video game franchises, having a large cast of memorable heroes and villains. In addition to Pit himself (who actually went by the name Kid Icarus), the series included other video game stars in the cast such as Megaman from the Megaman series, Simon Belmont from the Castlevania series, and Link from the Legend of Zelda series among many others. Despite its awkward portrayal of Pit, Captain N: The Game Master is said to be one of the biggest contributors to his popularity and following. In the TV series, Eggplant Wizard is one of the villains on Mother Brain's side and is paired up with King Hippo. Pit's location was referred to as Mount Icarus. The comic book adaption has Uranos as another villain from Mount Icarus that is on Mother Brain's side.
- In the U.S., the show aired as part of the Saturday morning cartoon lineup on NBC. The show incorporated elements from many of the most popular Nintendo games of the time. There was also a comic book version by Valiant Comics, albeit only featuring characters from Nintendo-produced games.