| - It's Parent-Teacher Conference night at sunnydale High. In a fit of creative sadism, Principal Snyder assigns the job of preparing food and decorations to his two most troublesome students: Buffy, and a borderline-psychopath delinquent named Sheila. Whoever does the better job will not be expelled. Sheila's total indifference puts even more pressure on Buffy, who already has a tough time balancing slaying with a social life. That night, a sinister vampire couple arrives in town: Spike and Drusilla, who interrupt a gathering by the Anointed One. Spike promises to kill Buffy as he has killed two Slayers already. Drusilla is quite ill, having been injured by an angry mob in Prague. Spike later brings Sheila, who is enthralled by his bad boy charms, to the weak Drusilla as food. On Thursday night, Buffy plots to keep Snyder from delivering a bad report to her mother, but fails. Afterwards, a stern Joyce orders Buffy home just as Spike and the other vampires crash through the window, too impatient to wait for Saturday. Buffy takes command of the incredulous adults, tells them to stay put and climbs through the air ducts to reach the library and her weapons. Fighting a few vampires along the way, including a newly turned Shelia. Xander returns to the school with Angel, who pretends to be his former evil self, Angelus. Though Spike first welcomes Angelus as a long-lost friend, he sees through the ruse and Xander and Angel are forced to flee but not before Xander hears Spike call Angelus his "sire" and "Yoda." His mooks give chase to Angel and Xander, leaving Buffy and Spike alone at last. Buffy is almost bested when her mother shows up and hits Spike over the head with the flat of an axe, causing him to retreat. Joyce tells Buffy that she trusts Buffy to take care of herself, whatever Snyder may say. Spike returns to the vampire lair, where the Anointed One demands penance for attacking too early. Spike goes through the motions of apologizing -- then, fed up, he simply throws the boy in a cage and pulls it into the sun, killing him. Looks like there's a new el jefe in town.