| - Hercules is out for a stroll when he comes across two thugs robbing an old man. Hercules jumps in and "orders" the thugs to leave the man alone. Three more thugs appear. A fight breaks out. Hercules is doing fine on his own, but when a mysterious stranger drops in and lends a hand Hercules is glad for the help. The fight ends and the guys exchange introductions. The stranger says his name is Lucius, son of Zeus, Hercules' half-brother. Hercules brings Lucius to Kora's and introduces him to Iolaus and Lilith. Lucius tells a whole bunch of stories. One about Zeus kicking Ares off Olympus, and one about driving Apollo's chariot. Lucius says he sees Zeus at least once a week. he tells Hercules that Zeus talks of him all the time. Hercules is stunned. He was not even aware that Zeus knew he existed. When Iolaus brings up Castor and Pollux, Lucius tells everyone that Castor is dead, and that Pollux killed him. Lucius tells Hercules that Zeus has sent him on a mission to find Pollux and to bring him to Olympus for trial. Hercules asks to accompany Lucius. Lucius at first refuses, then accepts. Hercules takes Lucius to see Pollux's mother Leda. Leda tells Hercules that Pollux is in Romonus. Lucius goes to see his mother to discuss baiting a trap for Hercules. The guys find Pollux. He has changed. He has given up the sword and is a man of peace. Lucius knocks out Hercules and takes both Hercules and Pollux to a cave. Hercules wakes up, tied to post, and sees Pollux hanging from a beam over a spiked pile. Hercules distracts Lucius by getting him to admit to killing Castor, as he tries to break the fabric that Lucius used to tie him to the pole. Hercules frees himself, and a fight breaks out. While fighting Hercules realizes that everything Lucius told him was a lie. Hercules wins the fight and saves Pollux, but Lucius gets away. Hercules brings Pollux home to Leda