| - Drench is the kind of bot that will steal a Mini-spy's energon credits, or tie a firecracker to a glitch mouse's tail. (To be fair, the pea-brained Go-Bot was just asking for that last one.) He's not so pleasant, though, when he's in a bad mood. Cross him, he'll take a terrible revenge. Were this office bully to meet the youthful Autobot nerd who shares his name, the results would be familiar to anybody with school experience. Most likely they'd involve a waste-disposal unit.
| - Drench is the kind of bot that will steal a Mini-spy's energon credits, or tie a firecracker to a glitch mouse's tail. (To be fair, the pea-brained Go-Bot was just asking for that last one.) He's not so pleasant, though, when he's in a bad mood. Cross him, he'll take a terrible revenge. Fortunately, this mean-spirited, foul-tempered bully is not very brave. Oh, he's certainly willing to blast limbs off Empties with his high-pressure fluid cannon, but if their friends show up to help, Drench is sure to change to his speedy vehicle mode and flee back to his safe desk job, where he can push his subordinates around with impunity, the short-tempered tyrant of the Decepticon coordination department. Everyone hates him and, this being the Decepticons, it's likely he would've "accidentally" tripped into the Smelting Pool if not for one thing - he can coordinate units of Decepticons with incredible efficiency. He's an indispensible part of the Decepticon war machine, meaning you'll have to lump it when he sticks your head down the bog. Were this office bully to meet the youthful Autobot nerd who shares his name, the results would be familiar to anybody with school experience. Most likely they'd involve a waste-disposal unit.