Bakugan is the game portrayed in the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. In the anime, Bakugan's rules were first invented by Dan Kuso and Shun Kazami. Bakugan is also the title of the game based on the Anime series, developed by Sega Toys and Spin Master.
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| - Bakugan is the game portrayed in the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. In the anime, Bakugan's rules were first invented by Dan Kuso and Shun Kazami. Bakugan is also the title of the game based on the Anime series, developed by Sega Toys and Spin Master.
- The Bakugan Collectible Card Game/Collectible Figure Game mostly known as the Card Game that is mostly known (Or unknown) for being the basis behind the beginning of the Bakugan anime. It began with B1s/Battle Brawlers (Who were slowly phased out due to being choking hazards) and replaced with B2s (Battle Brawlers), followed by B3s (New Vestroia, some of the first Gundalian Invaders sets also held the B3 logo). It is currently in its fourth Expansion Pack (Known as B4/Gundalian Invaders) and will soon continue on to it's fifth expansion (B5/Mechtanium Surge)
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| - Bakugan is the game portrayed in the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. In the anime, Bakugan's rules were first invented by Dan Kuso and Shun Kazami. Bakugan is also the title of the game based on the Anime series, developed by Sega Toys and Spin Master.
- The Bakugan Collectible Card Game/Collectible Figure Game mostly known as the Card Game that is mostly known (Or unknown) for being the basis behind the beginning of the Bakugan anime. It began with B1s/Battle Brawlers (Who were slowly phased out due to being choking hazards) and replaced with B2s (Battle Brawlers), followed by B3s (New Vestroia, some of the first Gundalian Invaders sets also held the B3 logo). It is currently in its fourth Expansion Pack (Known as B4/Gundalian Invaders) and will soon continue on to it's fifth expansion (B5/Mechtanium Surge) The game is now in a state of limbo anywhere outside of Japan, as the B5 sets are still being sold but nothing new has been announced while Japan has reset the namings style as Bakutech! instead of B# due to the launch of the Bakutech Bakugan anime.