| - In Gotham City, Black Hand languishes with Bruce Wayne's skull, talking to it and insisting that it will play a vital part in the events to come. In Sector 666, the Black Lantern Central Power Battery expels a large quantity of rings into the sky.
Green Lantern Hal Jordan and the other members of the Green Lantern Corps are parading in Coast City, on the anniversary of the day Superman was killed by Doomsday, which has since become a national holiday for remembering fallen heroes. They are also remembering the millions of people who died when Mongul and Cyborg Superman incinerated Coast City a number of years ago. Hal Jordan also remembers the death of his father Martin Jordan and his predecessor Abin Sur. The death of John Stewart's wife Katma Tui and his accidental involvement in the destruction of Xanshi, the death of Kyle Rayner's girlfriend Alex DeWitt, and the death of Jade. He also recalls the death of Guy Gardner's girlfriend Ice, although she was later brought back to life and they have resumed dating.
All across the world, heroes and villains alike pay tribute to the dead. In Smallville, Superman and Superboy in their civilian identities with Martha mourn the recent death of Jonathan Kent. In Pittsburgh, , Jason Rusch and Gehenna are at the grave of the original Firestorm who died several years ago. The Teen Titans at Titans Tower look over their memorial to fallen comrades such as Marvin Kuttler and Terra. Kid Flash talks to Wonder Girl about his recent death and resurrection. At a hidden location in Central City, the Rogues visit their secret graveyard and honor the deceased Captain Boomerang and the original Mirror Master. The old members of Justice League International visit the grave of Blue Beetle. The Justice Society of America honors Jade, , , , , the Atom, , , , the Crimson Avenger, and Human Bomb. Near the Curry Lighthouse, Mera and Aqualad overlook the grave of the first Aquaman. While Alfred Pennyworth attempts visit the grave of Batman in Gotham City, he is horrified to find it completely defiled, with Bruce's skull missing.
After the remembrance parade, Hal meets up with the Flash at the Hall of Justice, and they look over the Justice League's morgue, which has been set up for special cases, and largely consists of supervillains. They keep the bodies protected since Nightwing uncovered a superhuman corpse-harvesting conspiracy. The only ones unaccounted for are the dead Rogues, who have their private cemetery that Wally West and Jay Garrick have yet to find. Barry Allen is curious as to who else died while he was trapped in the Speed Force, and Hal shows him the large number of heroic casualties through a display using his ring. Barry is shocked to see Ronnie among them, but he is particularly horrified by the deaths of both Ralph and Sue Dibny. They then receive a call from Alfred about the desecration of Bruce Wayne's grave.
Elsewhere, Hawkman argues with Hawkgirl argue over their destiny, and whether or not they were destined to fall in love and be with each other as according to their mutual history of reincarnation. Hawkman is also angry that the Atom's wife Jean Loring is being honored as a fallen member of the community, despite her being revealed as a serial killer during Identity Crisis.
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