Glass Bottles are Items that were added in Update 0.12.1. They are the most basic necessity for the process of Brewing.
Glass Bottle is a container for holding liquid.
When broken they made for lethal weapons.
Glass Bottles are small items that can be stacked and are a necessity for brewing. Glass bottles may contain potions and water, with potions only being able to be held after a water bottle has been used in a brewing stand. Any potion can be converted to a Splash Potion with gunpowder.
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiGlass bottle (pl. Szklana butelka) – szklany przedmiot służący do przechowywania cieczy
The glass bottle is an item that has many uses. It can be used to store objects in it. You can buy or make one. It can carry 3 doses of an item.