| - The Legionnaires were founded on the world of Alderaan, because that was where Sharp and the Ion Team were stationed during the Clone Wars. When the Ion Team was given Order 66 by Galactic Emperor, formally Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, Sharp and the team disobeyed the order. The team helped their Jedi General escape, while Sharp bid them farewell and left to Aldera, the capitol of the planet. There, he founded the organization from hiring the local militia, assassins, bounty hunters, pirates, mercenaries, and freelancers.
| - The Legionnaires were founded on the world of Alderaan, because that was where Sharp and the Ion Team were stationed during the Clone Wars. When the Ion Team was given Order 66 by Galactic Emperor, formally Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, Sharp and the team disobeyed the order. The team helped their Jedi General escape, while Sharp bid them farewell and left to Aldera, the capitol of the planet. There, he founded the organization from hiring the local militia, assassins, bounty hunters, pirates, mercenaries, and freelancers. Mainly, the Legionnaires were made up of hired mercenaries, assassins, militiamen, bounty hunters, and pirates, though after taking criminal operations off world, the ranks of the Legionnaires filled up with operatives from the Empire, Rebels, Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, and Zann Consortium. The cartel had splinter cell agents in pretty much every major galactic organization, allowing them to know all of their enemies current plans and positions.