| - A.I. stands for "Ass-Rape Intelligence". They are notorious for causing endless arguments and yelling in your ear when you really don't want it. Apparently they were made as a sort of GPS system for N00bs, but a few turned out to be uber hotness and the only female voice that said noobs would ever hear. They also have a capability to endlessly bitch and tape over DVDs. One AI, AngryN00bis, is famous for Shoop da whooping a whole platoon of marines when he heard Cortana was having a affair.
- A.I. in ReBoot is only ever used to describe the fifth version of Game Sprite. AndrAIa is an A.I. Game Sprite. Check out the article on either and that is what A.I. is for ReBoot.
- Due to the exclusion of the Punjab voice bank in the Steam incarnation of Worms, Curry has had to settle and create a non-racist team.
- The M.U.G.E.N engine contains a default A.I., however, many authors feel that this system is inadequate, as it relies on randomly executing commands defined in the character's CMD file. As a result, many authors prefer to code their own custom A.I. Prior to the release of M.U.G.E.N 1.0, many authors had to rely on several workarounds, such as human-impossible commands (complex commands requiring 1 tick to execute) or Winane's A.I. activation method. With the introduction of the AILevel trigger in M.U.G.E.N 1.0, many of these workarounds have become obsolete.
- Triple-A comes has a had a number of AI's, some obsolete and no longer included.
* Does Nothing AI
* Dynamix AI
* Easy AI
* EZ-Fodder AI
* Fast AI
* Hard AI
* Land-only AI
* Medium AI
* Moore-Able AI
* Random AI The Moore AI is more ambitious. It uses naval units aggresively. It builds ships, and on occasion factories & aircraft. It will launch surprise amphibious attacks. It tries to anticipate enemy attacks and will often retreat. It uses aircraft to support attacks in non-adjacent areas.
| - A.I. stands for "Ass-Rape Intelligence". They are notorious for causing endless arguments and yelling in your ear when you really don't want it. Apparently they were made as a sort of GPS system for N00bs, but a few turned out to be uber hotness and the only female voice that said noobs would ever hear. They also have a capability to endlessly bitch and tape over DVDs. One AI, AngryN00bis, is famous for Shoop da whooping a whole platoon of marines when he heard Cortana was having a affair.
- Triple-A comes has a had a number of AI's, some obsolete and no longer included.
* Does Nothing AI
* Dynamix AI
* Easy AI
* EZ-Fodder AI
* Fast AI
* Hard AI
* Land-only AI
* Medium AI
* Moore-Able AI
* Random AI The EZ AI first sees if it can capture unprotected areas. Then it attacks enemies in adjacent areas. If there is no foe to directly attack, it moves towards the enemy capital nearest to your capital. It never moves tanks more than 1 area per turn. The EZ AI does not build air units and the only sea units built are transports. At sea it will attack adjacent enemies but will not otherwise move against enemy forces, regardless of superiority. Air units are only used against adjacent ground units. The Moore AI is more ambitious. It uses naval units aggresively. It builds ships, and on occasion factories & aircraft. It will launch surprise amphibious attacks. It tries to anticipate enemy attacks and will often retreat. It uses aircraft to support attacks in non-adjacent areas. The Moore AI still has some problems. If often launches attacks with little chance of success. It's bold attacks are often less effective in the long run than the steady stream of forces sent to the enemy capital by the EZ AI. At the current time, the Moore AI is the best AI for the game. The Dynamix AI makes sophisticated calculations of attacks and counterattacks. It does not currently use naval forces. It is less aggressive than the Moore AI. As of now its play is inferior to the Moore AI. Creating a good AI for A&A is difficult because of the huge number of possible moves and the inability to use a lookahead method like that used in chess programs. Any country name which begins in "AI" to be automatically set to be AI (in addition to "Neutral"). (veqryn) Any player who's name begins with "AI" or "Neutral" will start out as Moore AI (you can still change them to human in the setup screen)(make sure you get the caps correct). So, for example: "Neutral_Poland" will begin as Moore AI, an so will "AI_Russia"
- The M.U.G.E.N engine contains a default A.I., however, many authors feel that this system is inadequate, as it relies on randomly executing commands defined in the character's CMD file. As a result, many authors prefer to code their own custom A.I. Prior to the release of M.U.G.E.N 1.0, many authors had to rely on several workarounds, such as human-impossible commands (complex commands requiring 1 tick to execute) or Winane's A.I. activation method. With the introduction of the AILevel trigger in M.U.G.E.N 1.0, many of these workarounds have become obsolete. In M.U.G.E.N, various types of A.I. exist, including, but not limited to:
* Cheap A.I. (Uses exploits, can do actions the human player cannot)
* Brutal A.I. (Hard to defeat, essentially the character at its best)
* Easy A.I. (Takes its time to react. Usually uses the default A.I.)
* Defensive A.I. (Keeps defending, only attacking occasionally)
- A.I. in ReBoot is only ever used to describe the fifth version of Game Sprite. AndrAIa is an A.I. Game Sprite. Check out the article on either and that is what A.I. is for ReBoot.
- Due to the exclusion of the Punjab voice bank in the Steam incarnation of Worms, Curry has had to settle and create a non-racist team.