| - GB_Un1t: U gonna go or wat!? Stalinoscopy: God damn it I was thinking. Adolfinator7: Dude, WTF? Ameriland209: OWNED! N1h()n: Turn off the Hax gay. Stalinoscopy: I don't hack, I just got lucky. Adolfiinator7: Yeah sure, w/e. Adolfinator7: Damz... Adolfinator7: I'm buying a fighter and 6 tank divisions. Stalinoscopy: Fuck! I forgot to buy shit! N1h()n: You're screwed. Ameriland209: I got your back dude. Adolfinator7: I R the 1337. Stalinoscopy: Only on the count of villany. GB_Un1t: WTF? Stalinoscopy: Dude, WTH, leave me alone. Adolfinator7: STFU NUBE! Ameriland209: Lol. Stalinoscopy: Oh sweet Jesus. GB_Un1t: I'm going to buy some shit. GB_Un1t: Umm.... GB_Un1t: Alright, let's go! GB_Un1t: LOOK BEHIND YOU ADOLF! A THREE HEADED MONKEY Ameriland209: ?! Stalinoscopy: God damn it GB_Un1t, god damn it. Ameriland209: GB_Un1t why do you do this shit? Ameriland209: You are just dumb as shit. GB_Un1t: Well, At least I have Tanks. GB_Un1t: Oh shyt. N1h()n: Lol, can you say PWND'D? GB_Un1t: Well, I'm done. Adolfinator7: You're right about that. Rofl. N1h()n: You guys can go fuck yourselves, I'm not saying what I'm buying. GB_Un1t: Like we care assclown, just take your turn. Adolfinator7: Yeah you yellow bastard. GB_Un1t: ROFLMANJARO. N1h()n: You fags are ghey. Stalinoscopy: Dude, you can't fight a war with chopsticks. N1h()n: Don't B jealous of my chopsticks BITCH. Spain_man23: I'M RICK JAMES BITCH!!! Adolfinator7: Who the flying fuck invited you? Spain_man23: Your Mother. GB_Un1t: Spain's neutral, you can't play. Spain_man23: Damn, fine I'm leaving. N1h()n: BOOM HEADSHOT!!! Ameriland209: Pshh, that was nothing Ch00b. Ameriland209: I'm buying 9 tank divisions. N1h()n: Oh, I'm trembling!!! Ameriland209: You really are just like your mother... N1h()n: WTF dude? N1h()n: Holy shit, are you serious!? Nogodamnway. Ameriland209: Taste my wrath Nazi Pigs. Adolfinator7: Not cool... Ameriland209: w00t?!?! Adolfinator7: Uhh... why does your "wrath" taste like strawberries? Ameriland209: Shut up. Adolfinator7: I guess you're not as easy as N1h()n. GB_Un1t: Lol. N1h()n: At least i'm not as easy as your mom. Ameriland209: Woah, easy Little Boy, now you've insulted the Fat Man. GB_Un1t: LOL XD, Fat americans!! N1h()n: Wait wait wait, who the hell won the first round? Stalinoscopy: That's not how this game works idiot. N1h()n: DAMN THIS GAME TAKES 4EVR!! Stalinoscopy: This time, I AM buying something Adolfinator7: It's not going to help, unless you're buying an 1337 BOMBZ. Stalinoscopy: You know damn well I can't get one of those until Round 4. GB_Un1t: Dude, we'll never win if you don't buy any guns or shoes for your soldiers. Stalinoscopy: We'll never win if you destroy your whole army on the first turn you bitch. Stalinoscopy: Besides, that is what I bought.... GB_Un1t: Oh... Adolfinator7: I smell a cheat, when'd you getta sub? Stalinoscopy: I like started with it and stuff... Adolfinator7: WTF, U HAXIN'!?111?! Adolfinator7: WTF, Franc3!? i kicked ur azz ages ago! Franc3: STFU Gheylord, Take this!! GB_Un1t: Wow Franc3. U Suck Adolfinator7: Yeah. Adolfinator7: And where the h3ll is Benny?! Macaroni_Benny: Im bak! Adolfinator7: WTF!1!?1? Fartysans: lololol, j00 art pwned adolf! we're on allies side now! noob! Adolfinator7: Ow fuck, this suxx Adolfinator7: Well, You macaronis we're just like franc3 Franc3: STFU adolf, ure l0sing u ghey! GB_Un1t: STFU, Franc3 Adolfinator7: LOL, U lozer! we're still winning. you subhumans! SUBMIT! Stalinoscopy: Shut up! we're at the gates b3rlin Adolfinator7: That means nothing. Stalinoscopy: Wtf?? Admin kick tht neb!! Franc3: hacker!11! Adolfinator7: Wheee ^^ Stalinoscopy: LOL U HOMO STOP HACKING!1! Ameriland209: LoL, Stop haxin adolf! Adolfinator7: Noway u neeeebs! Adolfinator7: Heeey! what happened :(Stalinoscopy: Haha, now i make my move. Ameriland209: Remeber to destroy those 333vil thigs Stalino! Stalinoscopy: Yeah thats what im going to do... Stalinoscopy: FUCKIN DIEE! Adolfinator7: NO YOU Ameriland209: FFS this srvr is so fcking unrealistic! Franc3: I'll help you out from this Ameriland! Ameriland209: I bet... Ameriland209: LOL Franc3.. Stalinoscopy: Wut a suprise. GB_Un1t: This is taking 4ever. GB_Un1t: WTF is wrong with this!?! Stalinoscopy: Adolf and his hax. they are what is wrong with this. N1h()n: Take this u nub! Ameriland209: U r still here? GB_Un1t: LOL!! Use a-bombs to adolf! Ameriland209: Sry, i dont hav more a-bombs. GB_Un1t: Noooo!1! you dumbfuck!!! Ameriland209: WTF?!! Stalinoscopy: OMG! GB_Un1t: WTF? Franc3 ure bak again!?!1 Franc3: Yeah, i spawned back. Adolfinator7: Haha, ure now trpped on this srvr! Ameriland209: Yeah right. Adolfinator7: See? also, u cannot turn off your computer or even leave your own room ^^ Adolfinator7: This is gr8 mod Franc3: Reminds me about Counter-Strike Ameriland209: LOL. Lets gear up and kick adolf's ass! Ameriland209: OMGLOLWTF??? You stupid cunt Adolfinator7: Dont mess with Admin :D Ameriland209: OH IM SO SORRY..u ghey.. Franc3: Im on Adolf's side now! Adolfinator7: No u r not. Stalinoscopy: OMG. franc3 has died 3 times now. Franc3(Dead): WTF, im Spectator! Ameriland209: this is gonna take loooong. Franc3(Dead): OH plz Adolf let me out! Franc3(Dead): This is just like in CS =(Stalinoscopy: Graz Franc3. You have died 10 000 times now! Franc3: FUCK J00 STALIN! Franc3(Dead): HEY! Why u all keep killing me!? Stalinoscopy: Coz u sux. Ameriland209: THATS IT Ameriland209: aasddafasf Ameriland209: ssadafasf Ameriland209: efwERWEf Ameriland209: 11 Ameriland209: 1111 Ameriland209: 1 Adolfinator7: Heeeh. This is gettin boring, im out c ya all later! Franc3: OMG we're trapped here! Franc3: WTF?!?! Franc3: OMG!?? ANYONE HERE!?!? HELP!!?? Franc3: jeez. im trapped here for eternity. Peer: No ure not Franc3: WTF?!?! Who are you? Peer: Edward Peer, The guy who resets connections! Franc3: Will you help me out from here? Peer: No. Franc3(Dead) : Oh great. Andorra: Yo. Peace Franc3? im still noob and i dont know how to play. Franc3 : HAHAA! YOU'RE GOING DOWN! Andorra : WTF U NUBE U BLIND OR SUMETHNG???!!!1 Andorra : KTHXBYE Franc3 : This would be better if i still had napoleon... F***ing wellington he sure know how to ruin a party. Franc3 : Hey u guys are back! Stalinoscopy : LOL Franc3 u been here like 56 years? Adolfinator7: LOL, Sup d00ds. Stalinoscopy : Hey u haxing fvck Franc3 : I HAVE BEEN LIKE FUCKING STUCK IN THIS STUPID SRVR LIKE 60 YEARS Franc3 : why this keeps happenin to meh?? Adolfinator7: awwww :(Ameriland209: WTF??? gravity?? Admin: Oops, wrong game. Franc3 : Ok...Wuts the date laik today? Adolfinator7: 12.5.2036 Stalinoscopy : Heyy!! time 4 WW3! Franc3 : Does this mean... Franc3 : ...That someone will kill me again.