| - Dario: Yuigi! It's Dr. L. Badd, the professor docter surgeon man! Yuigi: Oh yeah, bro, let's use his time machine to go back in the past! Dario: To go back two decades, we hit the 2 button and then the- Yuigi: THE MILLION BUTTON! (presses million button) Meanwhile in the past..... File:Black Yoshi.jpg: Maybe we'll never get out. File:FanHead.png: No, we'll make it. File:EnemyHead.png: We better.... (big flash of light) Dario: It's a me, Dario! File:Black Yoshi.jpg: NOOOOOOOOOO! File:FanHead.png: Wait, let's use their time machine! After blasting them, of course. The world exploded in tons of colors.
| - Dario: Yuigi! It's Dr. L. Badd, the professor docter surgeon man! Yuigi: Oh yeah, bro, let's use his time machine to go back in the past! Dario: To go back two decades, we hit the 2 button and then the- Yuigi: THE MILLION BUTTON! (presses million button) Meanwhile in the past..... File:Black Yoshi.jpg: Maybe we'll never get out. File:FanHead.png: No, we'll make it. File:EnemyHead.png: We better.... (big flash of light) Dario: It's a me, Dario! File:Black Yoshi.jpg: NOOOOOOOOOO! File:FanHead.png: Wait, let's use their time machine! After blasting them, of course. File:EnemyHead.png: (shoots quiet demon on them and hops in time machine) File:FanHead.png:OK! Set off the big bang! Enemy, you go manage the time machine (shoves File:Black Yoshi.jpg into big bang) File:Black Yoshi.jpg: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! At first, there was nothing. And then, there was everything. The world exploded in tons of colors. It began as 8-bit. And then 16-bit. And then 36. 64. 128. 256. And so on. File:EnemyHead.png: Guys, no! (presses button on time machine) File:FanHead.png: Wait, let's use their time machine! After blasting them, of course. File:EnemyHead.png: (shoots quiet demon on them and hops in time machine) File:FanHead.png:OK! Set off the big bang! Enemy, you go manage the time machine (shoves File:Black Yoshi.jpg into big bang) File:Black Yoshi.jpg: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! At first, there was nothing. And then, there was everything. The world exploded in tons of colors. It began as 8-bit. And then 16-bit. And then 36. 64. 128. 256. And so on. File:EnemyHead.png: Guys, no! (presses button on time machine) File:FanHead.png: Wait, let's use their time machine! After blasting them, of course. File:EnemyHead.png: (shoots quiet demon on them and hops in time machine) Fan:OK! Set off the big bang! Enemy, you go manage the time machine (shoves File:Black Yoshi.jpg into big bang) File:Black Yoshi.jpg: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! At first, there was nothing. And then, there was everything. The world exploded in tons of colors. It began as 8-bit. And then 16-bit. And then 36. 64. 128. 256. And so on. File:EnemyHead.png: Guys, no! (presses button on time machine) Yuigi: (wakes up) Guys! Stop-it-uh! Dario: Oh, ya! File:Black Yoshi.jpg: Oh, no..... how are we gonna light them off at the same time, anyway? TO BE CONTINUED!