| - CureStick Peach Rod.jpg|Merchandise of Peach Rod CureStick Berry Sword.jpg|Merchandise of Berry Sword CureStick Pine Flute.jpg|Merchandise of Pine Flute Passion harp.jpg|Merchandise of Passion Harp The Cure Sticks (キュアスティック Kyua Sutikku?) are devices in Fresh Pretty Cure! that are used to power-up the Pretty Cure's attacks to their Fresh versions. When a Pickrun is used with a Linkrun, the reaction summons the Cure Stick. The names of these Cure Sticks are as follows:
* Peach Rod: (ピーチロッド Pīchi Roddo?) Cure Peach's weapon, a white baton with a pink heart adornment at the top, rainbow buttons going upward, and an extension on the handle. Love Sunshine is upgraded to Love Sunshine Fresh. It first appeared in episode 8.
* Berry Sword: (ベリーソード Berī Sōdo?) Cure Berry's weapon, a white baton with a blue spade adornment at the top, rainbow buttons going downward, and an extension on the handle. Espoir Shower is upgraded to Espoir Shower Fresh. It first appeared in episode 17.
* Pine Flute: (パインフルート Pain Furūto?) Cure Pine's weapon, a white flute with yellow diamond adornments at the top, rainbow buttons going sideways and an extension on the handle. Healing Prayer is upgraded to Healing Prayer Fresh. It first appeared in episode 13
* Passion Harp: (パッションハープ Passhon Hāpu?) Cure Passion's weapon, a small, red and white harp with a red, double heart adornment on and white angel wings decorating it. It allows her to use the attack Happiness Hurricane. It first appeared in episode 24.
* It's a mystery how and who summoned the Passion Harp, since the other Cure Sticks were summoned by Chiffon; this was shown in episode 24 where she summons the Passion Harp from her Linkrun without Chiffon actually giving her one.