The Shadow Saga, also known as the Bean Saga, the Shadow Series, or the Bean Quartet/Quintet, is a series of novels that follow the story of Julian "Bean" Delphiki II, starting with his life on the streets of Rotterdam, to his training in Battle School, to after the end of the Third Formic War and his life with Petra Arkanian.
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| - The Shadow Saga, also known as the Bean Saga, the Shadow Series, or the Bean Quartet/Quintet, is a series of novels that follow the story of Julian "Bean" Delphiki II, starting with his life on the streets of Rotterdam, to his training in Battle School, to after the end of the Third Formic War and his life with Petra Arkanian.
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| - The Shadow Saga, also known as the Bean Saga, the Shadow Series, or the Bean Quartet/Quintet, is a series of novels that follow the story of Julian "Bean" Delphiki II, starting with his life on the streets of Rotterdam, to his training in Battle School, to after the end of the Third Formic War and his life with Petra Arkanian.
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