| - Federation History was a class taught at Starfleet Academy in the 23rd century. The class covered the foundation of the United Federation of Planets and the factors that made it possible, and the early years of the Federation. In late 2250, Cadet James T. Kirk was made an instructor for this class, and taught many first year cadets, including Gary Mitchell. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic)
- In just the first few years of her service the Enterprise and her Captain Jonathan Archer intervened several times in conflicts between the Vulcans and their long term adversaries the Andorians helping to decrease tensions and work towards peace and at the same time establishing Humans as a neutral and reliable party. (ENT episodes: "The Andorian Incident", "Shadows of P'Jem", "Kir'Shara")
- Although Earth's initial warp development progressed slowly, due to the cautioning of their Vulcan "mentors", the Warp Five program proceeded steadily. Earth's first Warp five ship, Enterprise NX-01, commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer, was launched in 2151, heralding a new era defined by encountering numerous new species, like the Andorians, and initiating those friendships, which eventually led to the Federation. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "The Andorian Incident", "First Flight")
| - Federation History was a class taught at Starfleet Academy in the 23rd century. The class covered the foundation of the United Federation of Planets and the factors that made it possible, and the early years of the Federation. In late 2250, Cadet James T. Kirk was made an instructor for this class, and taught many first year cadets, including Gary Mitchell. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic)
- Although Earth's initial warp development progressed slowly, due to the cautioning of their Vulcan "mentors", the Warp Five program proceeded steadily. Earth's first Warp five ship, Enterprise NX-01, commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer, was launched in 2151, heralding a new era defined by encountering numerous new species, like the Andorians, and initiating those friendships, which eventually led to the Federation. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "The Andorian Incident", "First Flight") The Vulcan Reformation of 2154 represented another pivotal step towards an interstellar union, prompting a new willingness on Vulcan's part to engage in a closer collaboration with neighboring species, including Humans and Andorians. When the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan fell victim to a terrorist attack, the Syrrannites, a group of Vulcans who believed their race had lost their interpretation of Surak's teachings, were initially blamed. As Archer learned, however, this was just an elaborate attempt by the Romulan-influenced Vulcan High Command to round up the Syrannites as well as to launch a preemptive strike on Andoria based on falsified intelligence. Archer and the new Syrannite leader, T'Pau, delivered an ancient artifact, the Kir'Shara, to the High Command, initiating the reformation of Vulcan policy and philosophy, not only allowing Humanity to finally stand on its own but creating a new, trustworthy and more supportive Vulcan government, paving the way for the planet's eventual participation at the founding of the Federation. (ENT: "The Forge", "Awakening", "Kir'Shara") By late 2154, the Romulan Star Empire had become aware of the threat that a closer partnership between Vulcan, Earth, and its neighbors posed. The Star Empire's attempts to destabilize the region led to the Babel Crisis, during which a secret mission by the Romulans involved the use of two Romulan drone ships that were able to camouflage themselves as various other vessels. With these ships, the Star Empire tried to spread distrust and hostility among local powers around Earth and Vulcan. However, Archer had made alliances with the Andorians, Tellarites, and Vulcans to find and destroy the drone ships, thereby altering the result of this Romulan mission to the exact opposite of what it was intended to achieve. (ENT: "Babel One", "United", "The Aenar") With the averted escalation of the Babel Crisis, Earth and many other worlds realized the value of their joint work and were convening a conference in 2155 to discuss the formation of a Coalition of Planets. Yet this was opposed by a xenophobic isolationist group called Terra Prime under John Frederick Paxton, attempting to destroy the Coalition and convince all races that they could never live together. However, Enterprise was able to foil their plan to destroy Starfleet Command and Paxton was detained. As all the races were about to abandon the idea of the Coalition, Archer was able to make a passionate speech to all members in which he forwarded the notion that, as explorers, they should explore the galaxy together. (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime") Several governments represented at the conference became welded together in 2156, when the conflict with the Romulan Star Empire escalated into the Earth-Romulan War. A humiliating defeat of the Romulans by an alliance of Earth, Vulcan, Andorian, and Tellarite forces at the Battle of Cheron in 2160 effectively ended the war and led to the establishment of the Romulan Neutral Zone between the two power blocs. (TOS: "Balance of Terror" ; TNG: "The Defector" ; ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II", "These Are the Voyages...") Doug Jung once commented that he imagined the period "right before the Federation is created" was probably "a very turbulent time." [1]
- In just the first few years of her service the Enterprise and her Captain Jonathan Archer intervened several times in conflicts between the Vulcans and their long term adversaries the Andorians helping to decrease tensions and work towards peace and at the same time establishing Humans as a neutral and reliable party. (ENT episodes: "The Andorian Incident", "Shadows of P'Jem", "Kir'Shara") In 2155 Jonathan Archer convinced ships from the Andorian, Vulcan, and Tellarite militaries to ally for the first time in history in order to help locate a Romulan drone ship which had been utilizing that holographic technology to attack ships from various states and frame other states for those attacks, thus creating extreme political instability. The Romulans in particular were attempting to provoke a war between the Andorian Empire and the United Planets of Tellar, a war which Archer helped to avert. (ENT episodes: "Babel One", "United", "The Aenar")