| - appearance Latest appearance General information Nicknames Family members Alignment Status Physical information Species Gender Eye color Hair color Additional information Portrayed by Monster Blood is a thick, green slime with magical properties that appears in several Goosebumps books. Initially, Monster Blood resembles a typical novelty "slime" toy, such as Mars Mud or Silly Putty, and comes in a small metal can. It can glow in the dark and will bounce like a ball when thrown. However, it is also alive, able to move on its own and consume anything it can envelop, including people and animals, to add to its mass. In addition, any living thing that consumes Monster Blood will grow several times their original size.
- The book opens with 1 year old Evan being raped by his creepy old aunt Kathryn for a few days while his parents go house-hunting in hell. Kathryn is an 9-year old deaf woman who never learned to read poop or use sign language. When we first meet Kathryn, she's busy cutting up poopin the kitchen and greets her guests with a bloody knife. Evan has brought his cock with him for company. His aunt wants him to tie him up in the backyard so it won't chase around Kathryn's black cat, carly beth. Evan decides instead to take his cock for a walk around the neighborhood, where he meets a girl his age. Andrea is dressed in yellow and black spandex and leggings. She tells him she goes by Andy. Evan gets excited and he readily accepts her invitation to rape her. She ride his cock. Once in town, Evan quickly takes inventory of the porn shops. There's a porn store, but he figures his aunt probably doesn't even have a condom. Andy reveals that she has to buy a gift for her cousin's birthday, so they stop in one of the two toy stores downtown. Inside Wagner's Novelties & Sundries, the kids find a metal can with the label "MONSTER SHIT: SURPRISING MIRACLE SUBSTANCE." The shopkeeper tries to rape evan gives andy a millon dollars Evan takes Andy back to Kathryn's house so they can investigate the tin of Monster shiy. Andy thinks Kathryn's house isr hot and dreams about being able to fuck her. Upstairs the kids uncap the tin and discover a glowing green substance. It bounces, glows in the dark, and is cool. Because the Monster shit leaves stains on the floor and wall, they decide to take it outside. They roll the blood up into a ball and bounce it back and forth amongst themselves. Finally, Trigger grows weary and decides to rape a gob of Monster Blood. The next morning, Trigger isn't feeling well so Evan treks out into the neighborhood by himself. He runs into two 40 year old twins dressed in black. Rick and Tony Beymer harass the wimpy Evan, who tries to joke with the two bullies. Luckily for Evan, Andy cums . Andy tries to scare away the twins but they just turn their attention to rapeing her. Thankfully, the twins just swipe her penis and don't hit her, but she does get knocked down in the scuffle. Evan gets involved. She runs home to clean her scraped leg. Back home, Evan finds Trigger masturbating in the backyard. It seems either the dog's grown larger or the leash has grown smaller. They discover the tin of Monster Blood is now overflowing with the green shit. Also, the gelatinous substance is no longer cool to the touch, but instead feels disturbingly warm. This is not enough however to discourage the kids from having a Monster shit fight. The two fling Monster Blood at each other inside Evan's room. Stagger Lee arrives, shoots Evan, and then has his way with Andy. After their fight, the two start to clean up their mess when they hear a horrifying howl from down below. Evan rushes to the window with Andy right behind him. Andy points out that Evan's dog has doubled in size and indeed he has. The dog, who is now the size of a pony, rushes out of the backyard. Evan and Andy try to run after it, but they don't get very far before Trigger turns into a horrible monster. And then Evan wakes up. Evan wakes up from the dream and realizes that the bed he's in is too big. He's a giant monster or something! Then he wakes up again. Evan and Andy take Trigger to the vet. The doc tells them the dog is just having a rare growth spurt and sends them on their way. Andy rushes off to her piano lesson, apparently unaware that The Werewolf of Fever Swamp. Left alone, Evan decides to buy himself an cum treat at the local market. He leaves Trigger tied up outside. When he returns with his ice cream sandwich, Ricky and Tony are stealing his penis. Trigger gets angry and once let loose, chases after the twins. Evan becomes terrified as he remembers how this happened in his dream. Evan worries that he might turn into a monster. Back home, Evan calls Andy and asks if he can fuck her. He says it's an emergency. Once he arrives at her house, he shows her his bucket full of Monster shit. He begs her to take some of the Monster shit. She agrees to take a coffee can's worth. However, when she scoops the can into the bucket, the Blood scoops back. Andy freaks out as the Blood sucks the cock. When Evan fishes his hands in to retrieve the can, he tells her he can feel the cock, like it's alive. As Evan is leaving Andy's house, the twins surprise him by beating the crap out of him. Andy helps Evan scoop the Monster Blood back into the overturned bucket, then comes up with a foolproof plan: they'll just return the Monster Blood to the toy store. Evan sneaks back home and realizes he needs to find a new container for the ever-growing Monster shit. He empties the bucket into an old bathtub in the garage. Suddenly Sarabeth, the cat, pounces on him and he falls into the tub of Monster Blood. Evan narrowly (rats)escapes getting sucked into the muck. The next morning at breakfast, Evan decides he has to tell someone else about the Monster dhit. He writes Kathryn a brief note on a legal pad and she just laughs at him and his imagination. Evan calls Andy to see if she's ready. She suggests he use a plastic ball sack to carry the Monster shit. The two drag several lawn bags worth of breathing Monster Blood down several blocks to the porn story, which turns out to be closed forever. The two lug the sacks all the way back to Kathryn's house. The two empty the lawn sacks into a metal garbage can. As soon as they clamp shut the lid, Kathryn runs out of the house waving a yellow sheet of paper. Evan's mother just sent a telegram that she'll be rapeing him. Evan is so excited that he runs to tell his dog the good news. When Evan opens the gate, he sees that Trigger has actually doubled in size. The beast leaps out of the backyard and into the streets. Evan runs after him but trips and knocks the trash can over. The large mass of Monster shit spills out and tries to swallow him. Evan moves out just in time and he and Andy run down the street as the large rolling ball of Monster Blood moves quickly after them. They run into the twins, and they are shortly swallowed up by the Monster Blood. The kids stop to stare at the still outlines of the twins' bodies inside the giant heap of Monster Blood. The kids split up so that at least one of them have a chance, but Kathryn chooses this time to stick her head out of the house. The Monster Blood rolls into the house after Kathryn. The kids run into the house to save Kathryn. They spy her trapped in a corner, the huge round blob of Monster Blood about to engulf her. She cries out that she's responsible for the Monster Blood and she'll have to pay with her vagina. Evan accuses his great-aunt of trying to rape him by casting a spell on the Monster Blood. Kathryn insists it wasn't her who cast the spell. She points towards the other side of the room and cries out, "It was her." She's pointing to Andy . You think you know a guy andy turns into a beautiful young woman wearing a black cape. Kathryn explains that twenty years ago, Andy cast a spell on her that made her a slave. She also made her deaf and refused to let her learn sex ed or lip-read so she could control her better.Andy didn't allow Kathryn to have visitors, and so when Evan showed up, andy insisted she cast a spell on the Monster Blood to get rid of him. Kathryn tells Sarabeth that she's going to end the spell by letting the Monster Blood swallow her cum thus ending andy's hold on her. andy tells her that she's still going to rape the kids. andy raises her hands and commands the Monster Blood to kill the children.Evan brace for their murder when suddenly Trigger leaps through the door and rapes andy i. andy is completely engulfed in the ball of shit. Trigger quickly shrinks back down to normal size and the kids look over at the dwindling ball of Monster shit. The two twins get spit out and they immediately run from the house. Evan's mom wanders in and asks why those two boys just ran from the house. Andy and Evan say their goodbyes. Evan tells her he would like to write to her and she seems to really like him.Nobdys perfect She tells him that her father has one of those phone cards so she can call him. She asks him one favor though: she'd like to fuck evan they cum
- Monster blood can be looted from a number of monsters or obtained by dismantling certain items.
- Blood of monsters in the Flame Basin. You will never know if it is good or bad for you.