| - Nino (ニノ, Nina in the Italian version) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. She is a 14 year old mage, who later on becomes the mother of Raigh and Lugh in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. Nino has an exceptional talent for magic. Despite being woefully under-trained, Nino is clearly a natural genius at the art. Although illiterate as well, and never having been formally trained; she instead learned by memorizing the incantations which Sonia chanted. In Fire Emblem Heroes, she is voiced by Sarah Blandy in the English version.
- Nino - włoski piłkarz (? - ?). Zawodnik Juventusu Turyn grający na pozycji pomocnika. W barwach Juve zagrał w 1 meczu, nie zdobywając gola.
- Nino is a member of the Arcadia Movement appearing in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia. She is an instructor at the Arcadia Movement, who tests the player in Duels, where they each use a Structure Deck.
- NINO is an acronym for "No Input, No Output" or "Nothing In, Nothing Out." The phrase means if there is nothing input to a system, there can be no output from that system.
- Nino (ur. 29 czerwiec 1981 r.) - grecki piosenkarz.
- Categoría:Personajes Nino es un personaje de Fire Emblem: Rekka No Ken.
- A dangerous and mentally unstable killer, he was enlisted as a henchman and dogsbody by the evil immortal, Antonius Kalas. He had previously murdered Kalas in the prison garden, not knowing that Kalas would revive. When Kalas escaped, thanks to Amanda's plot to kill him, Nino followed, stopping Amanda from killing Kalas. He helped Kalas murder mortal and immortal alike including Auberon, Christine Salzer, and newspaper editor, Jeremy Clancy. He also recruited other henchmen for Kalas.
- Nino 「ニノ Nino?」 es la protagonista de la serie Arakawa Under the Bridge, una misteriosa muchacha de larga cabellera rubia que vive en Arakawa y siempre viste ropa de gimnasia de una escuela primaria. Se auto-proclama Venusina, y más tarde, la novia de Kō Ichinomiya. El origen de su nombre proviene de la sudadera que lleva siempre que tiene la etiqueta "Clase 2-3" (Ni-no-san) en él. Es una nadadora increíble y puede permanecer bajo el agua durante varios minutos. Con esta habilidad, Nino generalmente pesca en el río ya que su trabajo es proporcionar peces a los residentes.