| - The Jabber protocol is very much like IRC, but is much newer. Jabber is based on a client-server network. All communication is through XML packets, making for a very easily extendable, and free (as in freedom) protocol. Jabber supports:
* Offline messaging
* Statuses such as 'Online,Away,DND,Free for Chat' etc.
* Group chat (conferences), through the use of conference rooms. One of the main features of Jabber is the many clients that are able to connect from any operating system, and on any hardware, even PDAs.
- Jabber es un protocolo libre para mensajería instantánea. Está basado en el estándar XML y gestionar por XMPP Standarsds Foundation. La red de Jabber está formada por miles de grandes y pequeños servidores en todo el mundo, interconectados por Internet. Habitualmente alrededor de un millón de personas utilizan la red.
- go and download . This is JabberX for Audrey, and you can find a little bit of information on it at . It is a text-mode Jabber client, so no fancy gui, but it does work well, and uses colors to keep things easy to read and understand. I have used it to connect to my accounts on Yahoo!, AIM, and ICQ, and chatted with friends on each, so it all works. I was running voyager and several pterms at the same time, so I feel like it should play pretty well with other stuff on the Audrey. I have a QNX6.0 filesystem mounted via fs-cifs at /qnx, and have the following links set up: Happy Jabbering!
| - Jabber es un protocolo libre para mensajería instantánea. Está basado en el estándar XML y gestionar por XMPP Standarsds Foundation. La red de Jabber está formada por miles de grandes y pequeños servidores en todo el mundo, interconectados por Internet. Habitualmente alrededor de un millón de personas utilizan la red. Este proyecto es el más aceptado como alternativa libre a MSN Messenger de Microsoft, al AOL o al Yahoo Messenger. Es un protocolo bastante minoritario que está creciendo cada día más gracias a los usuarios y a Google, ya que ha creado Google Talk. Google Talk es un cliente de mensajería instantánea que utiliza Jabber.
- go and download . This is JabberX for Audrey, and you can find a little bit of information on it at . It is a text-mode Jabber client, so no fancy gui, but it does work well, and uses colors to keep things easy to read and understand. I have used it to connect to my accounts on Yahoo!, AIM, and ICQ, and chatted with friends on each, so it all works. I was running voyager and several pterms at the same time, so I feel like it should play pretty well with other stuff on the Audrey. I highly recommend that you get familiar with Jabber before using JabberX. Go to , read the User Guide, download a Windows client (I've been using Winjab), choose a server, set up an account, set up your roster (buddy list), etc. You can do all this from JabberX, but in my opinion getting familiar with Jabber on a gui client first will make the transition to JabberX much simpler. I cannot take credit for this software, all credit goes to the original author. Getting it running on Audrey however was a pain, so I'll take a little credit for that :-). There are several files that must be in place for JabberX to work. I'll tell you how I have it set up, if you can get it working some other way then feel free. I have a QNX6.0 filesystem mounted via fs-cifs at /qnx, and have the following links set up: ln -sP /qnx/usr/lib/terminfo /usr/lib/terminfo ln -s /qnx/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib You should probably link the terminfo directories from /kojak/boot.sh or they will disappear after a reboot. If you don't have the terminfo directories, I posted them earlier at dilligaf's site at . Now copy the files to the right places and set up your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the directories where the executable and libiksemel.so.0 live: cp .JabberXrc /nto/photon cp libiksemel.so.0 /usr/local/lib cp JabberX /usr/local/bin export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib You will need to edit /nto/photon/.JabberXrc to set it up for your Jabber ID, Jabber server, and password. Now just type "JabberX" and after a few seconds you should be up and running. Try "JabberX --help" for a list of command line options. Once JabberX starts, type "/help" for general help, or "/help commands" for a list of recognized commands. The single-letter shortcuts in particular come in handy. Happy Jabbering! --jhd3rd
- The Jabber protocol is very much like IRC, but is much newer. Jabber is based on a client-server network. All communication is through XML packets, making for a very easily extendable, and free (as in freedom) protocol. Jabber supports:
* Offline messaging
* Statuses such as 'Online,Away,DND,Free for Chat' etc.
* Group chat (conferences), through the use of conference rooms. One of the main features of Jabber is the many clients that are able to connect from any operating system, and on any hardware, even PDAs. As usual, Miranda's Jabber Plugin is in-line with making the whole process Smaller, Faster, and Easier.