Attributes | Values |
| - Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
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fr name
| - Dewloren, Tigre-Roi de la Barrière de Glace
es lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Una vez por turno, puedes devolver cualquier cantidad de cartas boca arriba que controles a la mano de su dueño. Por cada carta que devuelves a la mano de su dueño por este efecto, esta carta gana 500 ATK hasta la End Phase.
ygo sets
| - Duel Terminal - Justice Strikes Back!!
el name
| - Dewloren, Τίγρης Βασιλιάς του Φράγματος απο Πάγο
Romaji Name
| - Hyōkekkai no Ko'ō Durōren
hr name
| - Dewloren, Kraljevski Tigar Ledene Fronte
ja lore
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it lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Una volta per turno, puoi far ritornare un qualsiasi numero di carte scoperte che controlli in mano ai proprietari. Per ogni carta fatta ritornare in mano al proprietario da questo effetto, questa carta guadagna 500 ATK fino alla End Phase.
pt name
| - Dewloren, Tigre Rei da Barreira do Gelo
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Once per turn, you can return any number of face-up cards you control to the owner's hand. For each card returned to the owner's hand by this effect, this card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase.
pt lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Uma vez por turno, você pode retornar uma quantidade qualquer de cartas viradas para cima que você controla para a mão do dono. Esta carta ganha 500 de ATK para cada carta retornada por esse efeito, até a End Phase deste turno.
it name
| - Dewloren, Re Tigre della Barriera di Ghiaccio
stat change
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ko lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- 튜너 + 튜너 이외의 물속성 몬스터 1장 이상
de lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Einmal pro Spielzug kannst du eine beliebige Anzahl offener Karten, die du kontrollierst, auf die Hände ihrer Besitzer zurückgeben. Für jede Karte, die durch diesen Effekt auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurückgegeben wird, erhält diese Karte bis zur End Phase 500 ATK.
ko name
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de name
| - Dewloren, Tigerkönig der Eisbarriere
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es name
| - Dewloren, Rey Tigre de la Barrera de Hielo
fr lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Une fois par tour, vous pouvez renvoyer un nombre de votre choix de cartes face recto que vous contrôlez dans la main de leur propriétaire. Pour chaque carte renvoyée dans la main de son propriétaire par cet effet, cette carte gagne 500 points d'ATK jusqu'à la End Phase.
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effect types
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database id
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| - * 1 or more non-Tuner Synchro Materials
* Does not require specific Tuner Synchro Materials
* Requires Attribute specific non-Tuner Synchro Materials
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| - * Limited activations
* Cover card
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th name
| - ดูวรอเร็น ราชันสมิงแห่งปราการน้ำแข็ง
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ar name
| - النّمر ديولورن - أمير الحاجز الجليديّ
Ja Name
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| - Returns from your field to your hand
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is cover card
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