| - Generally, bleeding isn't a good thing; what with the whole "bleeding to death" bit and there usually being an angry person nearby wanting to make you bleed some more. However, some have the ability to turn their lifeblood into the deathblood of their adversaries. Whether it's a vampire, "blood mage," alien, mutant, demon or more exotic fare, this character can kill with Bloody Murder, the ability to use blood as an offensive weapon. Possible weapon mechanisms include: Not to be confused with Rustproof Blood. Examples of Bloody Murder include:
| - Generally, bleeding isn't a good thing; what with the whole "bleeding to death" bit and there usually being an angry person nearby wanting to make you bleed some more. However, some have the ability to turn their lifeblood into the deathblood of their adversaries. Whether it's a vampire, "blood mage," alien, mutant, demon or more exotic fare, this character can kill with Bloody Murder, the ability to use blood as an offensive weapon. Possible weapon mechanisms include:
* Poison Blood: The blood itself is poisonous, and either direct contact or indirect exposure to it is enough to kill.
* Corrosive Blood: The chemical nature of the blood is such that it eats through metal and flesh--presumably the owner has sufficiently resistant veins and tissue.
* Blood Weapons: The blood can "crystallize" or solidify into a weapon. Usually, this is helped by most fictional characters having excessive amounts of blood in their bodies.
* Prehensile Blood: An extension of the above and similar to Prehensile Hair, only this blood is a tentacle horror.
* Blood Boost: The character gains increased abilities as he bleeds. This is almost always due to magical power inherent in spilling blood (only focused on the caster's own body rather than a victim), but it occasionally has some other explanation.
* Blood Horrors: The blood can spawn minor minions to do their masters bidding. Compare this one with Asteroids Monster.
* Boiling Blood: Instead of using his blood, the character can boil his enemies' blood in their veins, leading to a very messy death. These characters might have Black Blood or Alien Blood as side effects/causes for their powers, but will usually have at least Hollywood Healing or a Healing Factor to deal with multiple open wounds. Often this is justified by saying that controlling the blood allows for faster healing. Not to be confused with Rustproof Blood. Examples of Bloody Murder include: