| - In this episode she competed in the talent contest, however her performance was very rudely insulted by Howard along with the others. Overcome with humiliation, she became the victim of the Sorcerer's stank, and was turned into a monster upon the stank exposure. She went on a rampage, Randy took her on, and managed to turn her back to human.
- Theresa Fowler ("Teresa Flawler" in Latin Spanish) is a student of Norrisville High, and was one of the students auditioning in the school's talent show, as seen in So U Think U Can Stank. Her known talent is baton twirling. In the opening she and Stevens were hanging out by some lockers, before she got stanked by the Sorcerer. However, it is unknown if anything is going between them. Instead, it is shown twice that she likely has a crush on Randy. She is not an official Junior Disney Princess due to lack of royal connection. But she is a former temporary member.
| - In this episode she competed in the talent contest, however her performance was very rudely insulted by Howard along with the others. Overcome with humiliation, she became the victim of the Sorcerer's stank, and was turned into a monster upon the stank exposure. She went on a rampage, Randy took her on, and managed to turn her back to human.
- Theresa Fowler ("Teresa Flawler" in Latin Spanish) is a student of Norrisville High, and was one of the students auditioning in the school's talent show, as seen in So U Think U Can Stank. Her known talent is baton twirling. In the opening she and Stevens were hanging out by some lockers, before she got stanked by the Sorcerer. However, it is unknown if anything is going between them. Instead, it is shown twice that she likely has a crush on Randy. She is not an official Junior Disney Princess due to lack of royal connection. But she is a former temporary member.