| - The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, Internet Age, and Information Era) is an idea that the current age will be characterized by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would have been difficult or impossible to find previously. The idea is linked to the concept of a "Digital Age" or "Digital Revolution," and carries the ramifications of a shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based around the manipulation of information.
- The Information Age, extending from the late 20th to the late 21st century c.e., was a time of tremendous increase in globalization, with free information available in unprecedented quantity (but not quality), the rise of a global culture, the decline of the nation-states, and the rise of the digital economy and digital nations and the so-called "megacorporations" of supranational blocs and transnational corporations. Social media began to provide an unprecedented degree of connection between people in all parts of the world. 2002 - Contact with Pioneer 10 lost (February 2003 c.e.)
- The Information Age is a period in human history which represents the current time period we are now in. The age is aptly named due to the high volume of information based services such as the rise of computers, cell phones, and the Internet. The rapid rate at which technology increased in this time period marked events such as the dot com bubble in which the Internet and stocks associated with various Internet-based companies rose rapidly, and seemed endless.
| - The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, Internet Age, and Information Era) is an idea that the current age will be characterized by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would have been difficult or impossible to find previously. The idea is linked to the concept of a "Digital Age" or "Digital Revolution," and carries the ramifications of a shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based around the manipulation of information. It is commonly seen as an outflow from the Space Age, capitalizing on the computer microminiaturization advances of that effort, with a fuzzy transition spanning from the advent of the personal computer in the late 1970s to the emergence of the internet in the early 1990s, and the adoption of such technology by the public in the two decades after 1990.
- The Information Age is a period in human history which represents the current time period we are now in. The age is aptly named due to the high volume of information based services such as the rise of computers, cell phones, and the Internet. The rapid rate at which technology increased in this time period marked events such as the dot com bubble in which the Internet and stocks associated with various Internet-based companies rose rapidly, and seemed endless. A key event in the early Information Age was the collapse of the Soviet Union, which ended the Cold War. This left the United States as the sole superpower left in the world, although its military and economic supremacy was soon challenged by the rapidly growing People's Republic of China. New technological advancements made older technologies used for years obsolete, such as radar and traditional aircraft bombers. Stealth technologies, and space flight are more prevalent in this age, and continue to grow. Human thought and technology are more automated, but still rely on human interaction. Conflict still persists, although its nature has changed significantly. Instead of massive battles between armadas of tanks, modern warfare is more often a grueling and difficult seemingly never-ending campaign against insurgency. Examples include United States occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, protests in the Arab world, a civil war in Libya and many other things.
- The Information Age, extending from the late 20th to the late 21st century c.e., was a time of tremendous increase in globalization, with free information available in unprecedented quantity (but not quality), the rise of a global culture, the decline of the nation-states, and the rise of the digital economy and digital nations and the so-called "megacorporations" of supranational blocs and transnational corporations. Social media began to provide an unprecedented degree of connection between people in all parts of the world. Humanity became increasingly dependent on the vast computer networks that maintained this infrastructure, and did not realise that from the mid 21st century c.e. onwards some of these computers had passed beyond human control and embarked upon their own evolution, an evolution that would lead to their increasing dominion over the rest of the beings in the universe. No longer was man the highest form of intelligence on Earth; a new kingdom of beings had arisen, though few recognized this fact. Late in the century the Second Industrial Revolution gripped the world as rapid advances were made in (mostly biologically-based) nanotechnology. The inexpensive production of extraordinarily strong and light materials enabled humanity to start to expand into the solar system, and in the following decades, the start of the Interplanetary Age proper, humankind established a number of scientific industrial centres in orbit and on Luna, several outposts in the Belt and a manned research station on Mars. ________________________________________ 2000ยบ 2001 - infamous September 11 terrorist attack on New York Twin Towers and Pentagon changes the shape of the political climate for the next half century. 2002 - US military uses Predator remotely piloted aircraft (UAV / RPV) for anti-terrorist operations. 2002 - Contact with Pioneer 10 lost (February 2003 c.e.) 2003 - Hollywood studios and other major entertainment institutions begin to be adversely impacted by PC and broadband internet developments, enabling downloading of complete movies, including pirated and home-made movies 2003 - Chinese launch their first manned rocket, the Shenzhou V, and become the third Earth polity to put a man in space 2008 - New milestones reached in the field of bioengineering put the goals of synthetic biology and lazurogenics within reach of Terragen's for the first time. 2008 - Further progress in development of expert systems, intelligent agents, knowledge miners, and proto-AIs. 2008 - Ruth Duorkin born 2011 - Paralysed woman completes marathon using powered bodysuit 2013 - Carapace armor first employed by American, Australian, and European military and security personnel working in peacekeeping and riot control situations. 2014 - Visual and tactile bodysuits enable advancement in personal Virtual Realities, which begin to take the market share from TV, radio, films, and other media. 2016 - First universal operational machine 'Harvey' constructed by a team lead by Peter Shor at Bell labs, with funding from IBM, Lycos, RedHat and Pepsi. 2016 - The planetary system of 61 Virginis has been largely mapped by various means by this date. Detected are a total of 9 planets, one of which is a terrestrial world located within the Habitable Zone of the star, orbiting at 0.97 AU. Initial spectroscopic studies suggest a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, and the presence of water. 2018 - Do-it-yourself medical care becoming ever more practical and effective for many ailments 2018 - Internet users in the developed nations are becoming increasingly isolated (cocooned) in physical terms. 2020's onwards - Development of smart and capable virtual agents, companions, and even employees, for home, work and play. These agents are often capable of passing the Turing Test, but are nevertheless not fully self-aware. See Semi-conscious Intelligence. 2020's - Cheap and widely available unmanned and remotely piloted micro-aircraft (UAVs and RPVs) begin to expand the scope of news and information gathering for the personal web-based media-casting and private individuals, weakening the power of individual geopolitical states and mega-corporations to control public perception. 2020's - Interactive video widespread. Infomation Age