| - Agent Gray: Mr. Kennedy, how... good to see you. I have a task for you. We have discovered the location of some of the Merovingian's minions. These particular Exiles have been causing a considerable amount of trouble for us recently. Destroy them. Operator: I don't get it? How does this fit in with the whole Veil thing? Seems like we were so close on her track... Well, I'm sure we'll find out how it's related . let's focus on taking out these Exiles. From my scans, it looks like they shouldn't be too tough. Operator: That's that. maybe now we'll find out how this helps us get Veil! Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! 'Agent Gray: Excellent work, {bluepill name}. There is a further location to clean out; please proceed. Operator: Uh... and we're doing this... why? I'm reading hostiles in there, but nothing bad... hopefully we'll be able to get a lead on Veil's whereabouts here. Right? Operator: They're all down. Time to take down Veil, I bet! Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! Agent Gray: More than adequate, {bluepill name}. Eliminate the Exiles at one further location and you will have disposed of this hindrance to the Machines. Operator: Wait... this has nothing to do with Veil! I... what the hell is going on here? Take these Exiles out, and then we're going to get an answer! Operator: That's it! We've done this... now time to get out of there and get some answers from Gray. Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! Agent Gray: Your performance has been splendid, {bluepill name}. it is refreshing to know that you are serving our cause. Unquestioningly. That is all. [Mission complete]
* Episode 3.2: Propoganda