| - Known Contractors have a very wide array of powers, and each Contractor appears to have a power unique to him or herself. When a Contractor's powers are used, his or her eyes glow red and a blue glow occasionally surrounds its body. This phenomenon is called Lancelnoptchrotron radiation. A star corresponding to them also shows increased activity when they use their powers. After using their ability, Contractors experience the need to perform Obeisance, which is an often bizarre, obsessive compulsive "payment" for the use of their powers. According to Alma, the biggest difference between normal humans and Contractors is the structure of their minds: Contractors decide rationally. She compares them to how some humans have succeed by discarding emotion but not their intentions. Contractors do
| - Known Contractors have a very wide array of powers, and each Contractor appears to have a power unique to him or herself. When a Contractor's powers are used, his or her eyes glow red and a blue glow occasionally surrounds its body. This phenomenon is called Lancelnoptchrotron radiation. A star corresponding to them also shows increased activity when they use their powers. After using their ability, Contractors experience the need to perform Obeisance, which is an often bizarre, obsessive compulsive "payment" for the use of their powers. According to Alma, the biggest difference between normal humans and Contractors is the structure of their minds: Contractors decide rationally. She compares them to how some humans have succeed by discarding emotion but not their intentions. Contractors do not generally dream, though their are rare exceptions. In fact, Contractors are fully capable of experiencing emotions, but that those feelings do not play a prominent role in their thought processes. They are described as being totally rational, and totally amoral. The general rule seems to be that they feel no guilt, and they cannot form or retain social bonds. A normal Contractor cares, in essence, only about their own well-being, and everything is reduced to a cost/benefit analysis: Any other issues like laws, emotions, or the question of the sanctity of human life are irrelevant.