The dingory was a hairless canine predator native to Lan Barell. They were raised on ranches and their meat was eaten by Humans and Qieg. Dingories themselves would eat Qieg if they had the chance.
The dingory was a hairless canine predator native to Lan Barell. They were raised on ranches and their meat was eaten by Humans and Qieg. Dingories themselves would eat Qieg if they had the chance.
Los dingorys fueron depredadores caninos procedentes de Lan Barell que carecían de piel. Se criaban en ranchos y los humanos y los qieg se alimentaban de su carne. Si tuvieran la oportunidad, serían los dingorys quienes se comieran a los qieg.
The dingory was a hairless canine predator native to Lan Barell. They were raised on ranches and their meat was eaten by Humans and Qieg. Dingories themselves would eat Qieg if they had the chance.
Los dingorys fueron depredadores caninos procedentes de Lan Barell que carecían de piel. Se criaban en ranchos y los humanos y los qieg se alimentaban de su carne. Si tuvieran la oportunidad, serían los dingorys quienes se comieran a los qieg.