| - The WAAAGH!!! is competence that all Ork have. The more orks that are in the radius of the compétence when it is activated, the more powerfull the WAAAGH!!! It gives all Orks a bonus of speed, defence and attack. The effect lasts 30 seconds and the reload time is one minute. When one ork squad activate the WAAAGH!!! all other Orks in the area activate it automaticaly. When used in unison with all Ork squads that are in range of each other, it can stack.
- WAAAGH! Is a group of Orks based loosely off of the Warhammer 40k variety. Boasting impressive amounts of Orks ready for a fresh campaign at any time, these green beasts are known to take over Military Sims in SL's grid, and 'orkify' them, thus claiming it as their own. Ork invasions cause a large number of banners, outposts, burny bits and more to be built there, because you can't have a WAAAGH! without the proper banners. Rumours abound of their next planned invasion, and none are safe from the overwhelming green tide that has now reached out in the name of Gork, and Mork!
- Ork behaviour is dominated by the WAAAGH!, which is also the name given to the gestalt psychic field the Greenskins generate that affects the Ork psyche, which allows Orks to instinctively recognize who is "bigga", and therefore who is in charge, since might makes right in Ork society. All Orks generate this field, and it grows stronger as the Orks enjoy themselves, generally while fighting, and as more of them congregate together in one geographical area. The WAAAGH! helps give momentum to the Orks' planetary assault campaigns, which are also known as WAAAGHs! (the Orks like to call a lot of things WAAAGH!s). Such a WAAAGH! is a cross between a holy crusade and a pub crawl, with a bit of genocide thrown in for good measure. Thousands of Orks will gather together, drawn to the power of a s
| - Ork behaviour is dominated by the WAAAGH!, which is also the name given to the gestalt psychic field the Greenskins generate that affects the Ork psyche, which allows Orks to instinctively recognize who is "bigga", and therefore who is in charge, since might makes right in Ork society. All Orks generate this field, and it grows stronger as the Orks enjoy themselves, generally while fighting, and as more of them congregate together in one geographical area. The WAAAGH! helps give momentum to the Orks' planetary assault campaigns, which are also known as WAAAGHs! (the Orks like to call a lot of things WAAAGH!s). Such a WAAAGH! is a cross between a holy crusade and a pub crawl, with a bit of genocide thrown in for good measure. Thousands of Orks will gather together, drawn to the power of a single dominant Ork called a Warboss or Warlord if the WAAAGH! is particularly massive, who is bigger and more intelligent than the Orks around him. Then the Orks will set off to find an enemy to fight and defeat. Ork WAAAGHs! will sweep whole planetary systems away and destroy armies and fleets in tides of bloodlust and carnage, and only once the Orks have killed every available enemy will they start to fight amongst themselves again. The Imperium of Man's Tech-priests have theorized that this gestalt psychic field also has a telekinetic or quantum probabilistic effect, allowing the seemingly ramshackle and poorly designed Ork technology to work as the Greenskins expect. It is believed that the reason this hypothesis came into existence is that the Imperium adopted the Adeptus Mechanicus' religious belief that aspects of a universal "Machine Spirit" inhabits all technology, and that this Machine Spirit serves Mankind at the command of the Machine God. If this is the case, without a Machine Spirit, Ork machines could not work, requiring some psychic cause to justify their often devastating effect. Furthermore, Mechanicus Genetor Lukas Anzion has noted that many Ork-built weapons will not function at all unless wielded by an Orkoid, possibly supporting this hypothesis.
- WAAAGH! Is a group of Orks based loosely off of the Warhammer 40k variety. Boasting impressive amounts of Orks ready for a fresh campaign at any time, these green beasts are known to take over Military Sims in SL's grid, and 'orkify' them, thus claiming it as their own. Ork invasions cause a large number of banners, outposts, burny bits and more to be built there, because you can't have a WAAAGH! without the proper banners. Led by Flea Bussy. Innumerable green skins join the WAAAGH! In its avalanching cascade as it progresses, and their Sims conquered for orkish use grow in number. Having faced a few Second Life Military Groups already, a notable conquest by the Orks has been that of the Ordo Imperialis, Echelon Union and Militant Collective. It is known for each sim conquered, the Orks add skulls, gear and other notable items to their gruesome boss poles and pointy stiks, for all to see. The Sims also seen conquered by the Orks have so far included Elshout, City of Mirai, Ruusan, Diamanta Island, Vadoo Reef, Dismal Plunge,Wavewalker,Second Chance,Avaria,Ziost,Anamur,Area 31,Salamis,Zaralona Land,New Jessie, and Midgar. Rumours abound of their next planned invasion, and none are safe from the overwhelming green tide that has now reached out in the name of Gork, and Mork!
- The WAAAGH!!! is competence that all Ork have. The more orks that are in the radius of the compétence when it is activated, the more powerfull the WAAAGH!!! It gives all Orks a bonus of speed, defence and attack. The effect lasts 30 seconds and the reload time is one minute. When one ork squad activate the WAAAGH!!! all other Orks in the area activate it automaticaly. When used in unison with all Ork squads that are in range of each other, it can stack.