| - With Mary Margaret in labor and due to give birth at any moment, the residents of Storybrooke go on high alert in an attempt to ensure that Zelena doesn't try to steal her newborn baby for use in her ultimate game plan to turn back time and change her destiny, while obliterating Regina's existence. Meanwhile, in the land of Oz of the past, Glinda tries to convince Zelena to fight her evil tendencies and join her and her sister witches as a protector of Oz. But the appearance of a young girl from Kansas could turn out to be her undoing.
- History of location is unknown.
- NFPA 99 Adopted as Law - No (as of 4/13/2006) Certificate of Need Required? - No
- Kansas is a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States of America.
- Kansas is a state in the mid-weastern United States.
- |} Kansas (grana przez Katelin Petersen) - dziewczyna, która wciąż płakała i nie chciała być na obozie. Prawdopodobnie tęskniła za domem.
- Kansas is a state in the United States of America. It was crossed by the Ingalls family on their way to Minnesota.
- Main Page | About the Freedom Democrats Wiki | Find your State | Platform | Internet Links | Media Links | Literature | Contacts | Video | Forums | Endorsements | This page is for those in Kansas who are interested in The Democratic Freedom Caucus.
- Kansas is a state in Fredonia in northern Vespuciland. When visiting another place outside of Kansas, in particular in the land of Oz it is customary for an individual to say "We are not in Kansas anymore"..
- This is the page for charting a course of action for winning the nomination in Kansas. Please use the index below to find your county.
- "Kansas" is the 824th episode of Casualty and the 1st episode of the 27th series. It was preceded by "#HolbyRiot - Part Two" and followed by "Cuckoo's Nest". The episode was directed by Nigel Douglas and written by Stephen McAteer.
- Fred Phelps and other social conservatives who are vocal with their sick homophobia are from Kansas
- Kansas is a state in the United States. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- See also: Colorado - west Nebraska - north Missouri - east Oklahoma -south
- Kansas is an American state.
- Kansas is one of the 50 United States of America.
- Kansas is one of the United States of America.
- The flag of Kansas is blue with a stylized version of the state seal of Kansas just above the center of the flag. Above the seal is a stylized version of the Kansas state military crest, featuring a sunflower. Underneath the seal in large yellow lettering is the word "KANSAS".
- Kansas is a state in the United States of America. Kansas is widely regarded as the central state in the U.S. Brett Marks and Frank Newhouse planned a fake EMP attack nineteen miles above Kansas during Veto Power. It is the location of Kansas International Airport. Throughout Day 1, Dan Mounts wore a "Kansas cattle queen" t-shirt.
- There is sales tax in Kansas.
- John's made it back to Earth, but he soon realizes that it's almost 20 years in the past. When he discovers that the timeline has been changed, he and his friends must restore history before it's too late.
- Columbine killer Eric Harris was born in Wichita, Kansas on April 9, 1981. Sandra Garner ran away from Wichita before becoming part of a prostitution ring. She was later murdered in Hunt's Point, New York around 2006. (SVU: "Underbelly")
- Kansas is claimed to be the current year by Mac Jonntyhead. This suggestion is not widely supported by people with any sense at all. the masses, however, supports this suggestion. Kansas is also where Vodka goes to shop for donkey cake patties. Spaghetti is here
- Kansas is a Midwestern state in the central region of the United States of America, an area often referred to as the American "Heartland". It is named after the Kansas River which flows through it, which in turn was named after the Kansa tribe, who inhabited the area. In the decade leading up to the American Civil War, the state was known as "Bleeding Kansas" as abolitionists and anti-abolitionists did battle over whether the state would be admitted to the Union as a slave state.
- Kansas är en stat belägen i den centrala regionen i USA. Cameron Mitchell född, uppvuxen och gick i skolan där, och under 2007 gick han till sin gymnasium återträff. (SG1: "Bounty")
- Kansas is a state located in the Midwestern United States.
- Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | This is the page which Gravel supporters from Kansas can use to organize their efforts to elect Mike Gravel as President in 2008.
- The State of Kansas is a Midwestern state in the central region of the United States of America, an area often referred to as the American "Heartland". Kansas is one of the most productive agricultural states, producing many crops, and leading the nation in wheat, sorghum, and sunflower production most years. Kansas is bordered by Nebraska on the north; Missouri on the east; Oklahoma on the south; and Colorado on the west.
- thumb|Kansas auf einer Lagekarte. Kansas ist eine Region in Nordamerika auf der Erde und Bundesstaat der USA. Amanda Rogers wird im 24. Jahrhundert in Topeka, Kansas geboren. Ihre Eltern, die beide Mitglieder des Q-Kontinuums sind, werden später in ihrer Heimatstadt durch einen Tornado getötet. (TNG: ) Als Doktor Beverly Crusher 2367 in einer Warpblase gefangen ist, zitiert sie aus Der Zauberer von Oz: Dreimal die Absätze zusammenschlagen und schon bin ich wieder in Kansas? Könnte es so einfach sein? (TNG: )
- This page will contain a list of Autism resources available in the state of Kansas.
- Kansas is the third episode in Season 1 of the show Rescue Me. It is the third overall episode.
- Kansas is that one place somewhere with the...tornados...and...houses. And dogs. And weird teenaged girls talking to themselves in bright white buildings.
- Kansas is a state in the central United States. Its population is about 2,800,000. Its capital is Topeka and the largest city is Wichita.
- Nel XXIV secolo, una Q che si chiamava Amanda Rogers nacque in Kansas. I suoi genitori vennero assassinati dal Q Continuum, che provocò un tornado distrugendo la città Topeka. (TNG: "Una vera Q") Quando la dottoressa Beverly Crusher venne catturata nella contrazione di una bolla a curvatura e cominciò a realizzare quanto fosse facile lasciare la bolla, disse "Battendo per tre volte uno contro l'altro i tacchi tornerò in Kansas?", una citazione del Mago di Oz. (TNG: "Ricordatemi")
- Kansas is a region of the North American continent on the planet Earth, with boundaries that were created as the area was settled as a geopolitical subdivision of the United States of America nation.
- 'Kansas is a south-central state of the United States.
- Kansas es un stato de la Statos Unida de America. La site capital es Topeka.
- Kansas - a lot of road. Thus, you need a lot of places to eat! We'll break it down by geographical quadrants. NorthEast is the Topeka - Lawrence - KC area. SouthEast is the Wichita to Missouri area. NorthWest is West of I-135, north of US 56. SouthWest is South of US56, 50, West of Wichita.
- Kansas was a state in the United States of America. It was the home of Dorothy. Dorothy was once stuck in her house when it was picked up by a tornado, and later dropped in the Land of Oz. Dorothy thought, she was not in Kansas anymore.
- Kansas is a state in the central former United States. It is named for the Kansas River that flows through it. We going to need more supplies to get through the winter. This page is a Stub, you can help Jerichopeida by adding information to Kansas.
- Kansas is a state located in the Central region of the United States of America. Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell was born, raised and attended school there, and in 2007, he went to his high school reunion. (SG1: "Bounty")
- Le Kansas est un des 53 états américains. Il forme le cœur des États-Unis d'Amérique, c'est-à-dire dans la terre du milieu.
- Where Pandas come from. The origin of pandas was, at one time, controverial. Many users refused to believe that pandas were from Kansas, despite overwhelming evidence. Sadly, most of those users had succumbed to popular progaganda depicting pandas as a symbol of China. This is simply not true, and any Chinese pandas are clearly immigrants from Kansas.
- Kansas is an American rock band that became popular in the 1970s initially on album-oriented rock charts, and later with hit singles such as "Carry On Wayward Son" and "Dust in the Wind". They currently tour in North America and Europe.
- Kansas is a U.S. state located in the mid-west, in the Heartland of America. Much of the story known as The Wizard of Oz takes place in this state.
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Kansas article. Take me to the Kansas article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- For full details, see "Out of Time". In 1860, as part of the Sonic the Comic universe, areas of the state were governed by a sheriff, one of which was plagued by outlaw Butch. The lawman was eventually bested by the criminal, but was aided by the arrival of Amy Rose and Tekno the Canary. After some brief introductions, Tekno sped off to investigate the sighting of robots, but was shot down mid-flight. Rescued by Amy, the county's new deputy sheriff, they soon realised that Colonel Granite was behind the upheaval. Having built a Time Machine, Granite planned to conquer 1860s America with modern technology and become ruler of the world. Keen to stop this, Amy and Tekno pushed Granite back to his own time and destroyed the time machine. Granite then turned his attentions towards conquering Mo
- In an alternate timeline in which Nazi Germany had invaded the United States, as of 1944 Kansas was controlled by American forces. (ENT: "Storm Front", "Storm Front, Part II") In the mid 24th century, a Q named Amanda Rogers was born in Kansas. Her mother and father were murdered by the Q Continuum, who created a tornado which destroyed their home in Topeka. (TNG: "True Q" ) Kansas was named on a map of the United States (Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika). The contours of this state were seen on a map of the United States in "Little Green Men" .
- Kansas aka the "Sunflower State", is a state within the United States of America. It also is the first setting the story takes place in L. Frank Baum's first Oz book titled The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published in 1900. The state is named after the Kansas "Native American tribes" who inhabited the area long before Caucasians came. The tribe's name (natively kką:ze), is often said to mean "People of the Wind " or "People of the South Wind."
- Kansas is a U.S. state located in the Midwestern United States. Its capital is Topeka and its largest city Wichita. Kansas is named after the Kansa Native American tribe, which inhabited the area. The tribe's name is often said to mean "people of the wind" or "people of the south wind", although this was probably not the term's original meaning. For thousands of years, what is now Kansas was home to numerous and diverse Native American tribes. Tribes in the eastern part of the state generally lived in villages along the river valleys. Tribes in the western part of the state were semi-nomadic and hunted large herds of bison.
- No, not really. Did we get your hopes up? Sorry, but the reason you go here is actually only passing through to Denver for something exciting like skiing. The cows also stand there. They have the ability to liven up the mood by chewing grass, but they don't. In Lebanon, Kansas, there is a monument marking the exact center of the contiguous U.S.A.. Lebanon, Kansas is not exciting but unfortunately merely named after a more exciting place that deserves your vacation money. Besides, no airlines carry to Kansas. MCI is gathering dust.
- Halverwege de 24e eeuw was een Q met de naam Amanda Rogers geboren in Kansas. Haar ouders werden vermoord door het Q continuüm, die een tornado hadden gecreëerd die het huis van ouders in Topeka verwoestte. (TNG: "True Q") Toen Dr. Beverly Crusher gevangen zat in een krimpende warpbel en ze zich realiseerde hoe makkelijk het zou zijn om de bel te verlaten refereerde ze aan waarin Kansas genoemd werd uit The Wizard of Oz. (TNG: "Remember Me") Categorie:Aarde
- Kansas was a state of the United States of America. Dodge City was one of its cities, and the home to one of its marshals in the late 1800s, Virgil Earp. (TV: The Gunfighters) The Fifth Doctor and Nyssa landed there in the 22nd century. In a corn field that was growing unnaturally large, they found a dead sheriff whose warrant card confirmed that he was from Kansas. (AUDIO: The Mutant Phase)
- Kansas (also known as "Missouri's Portugal", "Colorado's Spain", "Nebraska's South Korea", "Oklahoma's North Korea", "Texas's Kazakhstan", "California's Sudan", or "Maine's Hawaii"), often misconstrued as "in the middle of nowhere", is in fact lower and off to the right a little from the middle of nowhere. One can find Ecuadorian alcohol almost anywhere in the state, so long as you go searching before 11pm (except on Sundays)! Marijuana is also plentiful, and there are plenty of gay bars. If you venture to Topeka, the capital of this gay state, you will find one of the highest crime rates per capita in all of the United States, mostly as a result of the high amount of Meth labs. Outside of Topeka the crime rate drops like a stone due to the number of farmers with shotguns and dogs with a t
- For thousands of years what is now Kansas was home to numerous and diverse Native American tribes. Tribes in the Eastern part of the state generally lived in villages along the river valleys. Tribes in the Western part of the state were semi-nomadic and hunted large herds of bison. Kansas was first settled by European Americans in the 1830s, but the pace of settlement accelerated in the 1850s, in the midst of political wars over the slavery issue. When officially opened to settlement by the U.S. government in 1854, abolitionist Free-Staters from New England and pro-slavery settlers from neighboring Missouri rushed to the territory to determine if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Thus, the area was a hotbed of violence and chaos in its early days as these forces collided,