| - Known moves: Dark Pulse.
- Evolved from Riolu during a battle with Jacob, Lucario is one of Acacia's best fighting Pokémon. Lucario is capable of giving any opponent a good thrashing.
Ability: Inner Focus. Known moves: Aura Sphere, Detect, Bone Rush, Metal Claw.
- One of many of Acacia's powerhouses, Throh has won many sumo-wrestling themed events. Sometimes proud whenever he wins a battle, but sometimes feels he let his trainer down whenever he loses, only to be reassured later on. Exercises frequently to keep in shape.
- Ability: Overgrow. Known moves: Pin Missile.
- With moves like a ninja, Gallade considers Jacob's Grovyle, Splinter, to be one of his greatest rivals. Evolving from a shy Ralts, he lost that personality when he evolved into Kirlia. As a Gallade, he's one of Acacia's fastest Pokémon, after Lucario, capable of giving any opponent a run for their money.
Ability: Steadfast. Known moves: Swords Dance, Psychic, Magical Leaf, Vacuum Wave.
- Croagunk is not one to be trifled with. Despite her calm, collective appearance, inside hides a competitive opponent who will never let her trainer down.
Ability: Dry Skin. Known moves: Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Brick Break, Dark Pulse.
- Acacia's starter Pokémon, even as a shiny Tepig, her personality matched her trainer's to a "T". Emboar is Acacia's strongest Pokémon, and she considers Jacob's Charizard, Smaug, to be her number one rival, ever since they were a Charmander and a Tepig respectively. Nowadays, they both have the utmost respect for one another.
Ability: Blaze. Known moves: Flamethrower, Hammer Arm, Scald, Inferno.
- Having just fully evolved from Scraggy, Scrafty wants to try and prove himself to be a formidable fighter as well as a leader, but he lacks the patience of some of Acacia's other Pokémon. He does admire Emboar for her patience though.
Ability: Intimidate. Known moves: Leer, Brick Break, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact.
- In terms of power, Conkeldurr is Acacia's strongest Pokémon, after Emboar that is. She takes pride in her muscles, and exercises frequently to make sure she's in tip-top shape for when her trainer needs her. And when she swings her pillars at you, you'd better watch out!
Ability: Guts. Known moves: Strength, Dynamic Punch, Bulk Up, Rock Tomb.