| - In the later years, before the Clone Wars, an individual named Rahm Kota was born on the planet which would later mean difference in the outcome of the Galactic Civil War. Later, near the end of the Clone Wars, the Separatist Army attacked Cybe, as Cybe Drives refused to sell the Confederate Navy ships on a cheaper rate. Rahm Kota went respectively on his own and his militia to liberate the planet from Confederate control, which succeeeded.
| - In the later years, before the Clone Wars, an individual named Rahm Kota was born on the planet which would later mean difference in the outcome of the Galactic Civil War. Later, near the end of the Clone Wars, the Separatist Army attacked Cybe, as Cybe Drives refused to sell the Confederate Navy ships on a cheaper rate. Rahm Kota went respectively on his own and his militia to liberate the planet from Confederate control, which succeeeded. Kota succeeded to liberate Cybe from Confederate control, shortly afterwards, Order 66 was executed by Chancellor Palpatine, few men of his squad tried to execute him, however failed as Kota and his loyalists eliminated the traitor clones and militia. They kept control of Cybe for a few days, until the New Order attacked the planet, when Kota and his men fled into hiding. Cybe was left under Imperial control until the end of the Galactic Civil War, when the Cybers managed to liberate the planet for themselves. They made a deal with the newly-formed Aradan Union, to build ships exclusively for them in exchange for protection. Norven Loyaler agreed on the agreement. Cybe kept constructing ships for them everafter, shaping a bond between the Aradan Union and Cybe Drives. The planet remained a sovereign republic following the fall of the Aradan Union, and became part of the Aradan Sectorate. The planet allied the Federation of Free Planets however during the Infinity War, and produced Starships for them afterwards.