| - But that wasn't all! Devouring Earth had been seen fighting each other, something that had never happened before. Fearing the worst, Vernon sent you to subdue one of these nests of in-fighting Devouring Earth so that he could examine them.
- You've gathered part of the elements necessary for Vernon to complete his work on creating a counter-agent to his own mutant strain of the Will of the Earth.
- Arbiter Daos called for you, and you suspected the worst. Vernon wasn't through yet, and told you that Crey had captured a Hamidon Organelle and were holding it at their main facility. If you survived the interview with Daos, you were to investigate this in the hope it would reveal what had gone wrong with Vernon's plan. It turned out that you didn't need to worry about Arbiter Daos. He was actually quite glad you were helping Vernon von Grun, and explained that Arachnos felt it needed more mad scientists like von Grun to keep up with other villain groups like the Council. As he prepared to see how well Vernon ranted under pressure, you checked out the Crey base. The Organelle was there, and as you examined it the strange being's mind touched your own. You learned that the Hamidon's control of the Devouring Earth was being usurped by a young heroine called Zenflower, and that her influence was behind the changes in their behavior. This news really got Vernon fired up.
- These devices should drive the Devouring Earth into a frenzy of expansion, forcing them to over-run and destroy much of Paragon City. Well, assuming Vernon's plan works. Whatever does happen once you've placed all four, it should be interesting.
- Vernon was close to perfecting a counter-agent to his own work when the Devouring Earth attacked the lab where he worked. You managed to salvage his work, and even save some of his co-workers.
- Before Vernon could finish his examination, you learned that an Arachnos base had been over-run by Devouring Earth! Vernon quickly realized that if the attacking creatures showed signs of infection with his own Force of the Earth mutant mutagen it could all lead back to him. You went in to salvage what you could of the situation. When you returned, Vernon had learned that the in-fighting creatures had been infected by his mutagen, and so had the ones you had just faced. Unfortunately, other Arachnos scientists had also discovered Vernon's involvement.
- The moment you approached the container with the organelle in it, an alien, but strangely human mind touched yours:
'I am the Hamidon. Through this small piece of my greater being, I contact you. I know of you. You have helped to disrupt the balance of the Devouring Earth, my Devouring Earth. In the chaos of the false-growthtime, as a blindness you caused gripped me, there came another. A human, who in the unnatural individuality of mankind calls herself 'Zenflower', appeared. She had been tutored by the Spirit of the Wood, and used this knowledge. She drank of the Unclean Will-of-the-Earth, and mastered it. And even now she seeks to tame the Devouring Earth! Stop her! Or else the heroes will have powerful new allies, and we all shall lose.'
- A telempathic Amplifier is a device which can boost the inherent ability of a user to broadcast basic emotions. They are designed to be used as weapons, but rarely see deployment, because if your telepath has a mood swing or is upset with a superior officer, it can spell disaster for friendly troops caught in the area of effect. Still, many groups like to keep one of these devices around, just in case.
- You took these refrigerated impact-proof containers of strange burbling purple fluid from a Longbow base. This stuff is the Will of the Earth, a telepathic semi-intelligent bacterial sludge that turn rocks, trees, and even people into monstrous creatures of the Devouring Earth. Whatever Vernon von Grun is planning to do with this stuff, it can't be good.
Even chilled to dormancy, you can still feel faint telepathic feelings emanating from this stuff.
- When you spoke to Vernon von Grun again, he was in shambles. The constant failures had nearly ruined his self-confidence. You slapped him back into shape, and got him to pull himself together. The first step was to determine what had gone wrong when the growth bombs finally did go off. Why had the Devouring Earth not over-run Paragon City? You returned to Eden to find out, only to discover that some of the Devouring Earth had lost their hostility to the city's heroes! Much to his mounting horror, it seemed that Vernon's plans had ended up helping the people of Paragon City!
- After all this time, would-be mad scientist Vernon von Grun finally confided his master plan to you. Vernon wanted the research and items you got for him so that he could build a device which would drive the Devouring Earth into an expansionistic frenzy, causing them to over-run and destroy Paragon City, then die off. the first thing he asked you to do was destroy some of the hive spires in Eden that the Hamidon uses to monitor and control it's Devouring Earth progeny. With the Hamidon blinded, you could continue without interference.
- This devise is built to gently but very effectively disperse a bio-warfare agent into the atmosphere. You have to wonder what Vernon von Grun needs this for.