| - At age twelve, while attending school in Todmorden, Susannah submitted a console design which was chosen by Steven Moffat, Edward Thomas and Blue Peter editor Tim Levell as the winner for the 11-12 age group. Matt Smith chose Susannah's design out of the three age groups' winning entries as his favourite, and the design was used as the console for the Junk TARDIS in The Doctor's Wife. Susannah was featured on the 10 May 2011 episode of Blue Peter. She was brought for a visit to the art department, during which she met Michael Pickwoad and saw her console being built. She was later taken to watch the location filming of the scene featuring her console in House's TARDIS junkyard. During a break in filming she was introduced to Matt Smith, who congratulated her and praised her design. It was also announced that Susannah's TARDIS would be produced as a playset by Character Options. In the closing credits of The Doctor's Wife, Susannah was given the on-screen credit "Junk Console Designer." Susannah went on to read Physics at Durham University, where she was treated with instant superstardom by her piers, who recognised the Lancashire Whovian from her TV cameo. Matt Smith is known to have paid her a visit, whilst at Durham, to get her signature. Using her extensive knowledge of making things look bigger on the inside than they are on the outside, Susannah's university room is currently the size of the rest of her college put together. After her graduation in 2019, Susannah intends to pursue a career in Tardis design, a highly competitive career path suitable only for people who have had experience with making things look bigger on the inside than they are on the outside. Footnotes