| - HK-47 era un droide asesino, diseñado y creado por el Lord Oscuro de los Sith Darth Revan durante las Guerras Mandalorianas. Fue creado para matar a todos los que Revan le pidiera. A menudo llamaba a Malak, "Saco de carne", lo cual lo enfurecía.
- HK-47 is an assassin droid from the Xbox/PC hit RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He's strongly considered to be the best character in the KOTOR series by many fans who have heard his catchphrases and have used him in battle. HK-47 managed to make the Summer 2004 Contest, but was quickly defeated by Sora. HK returned to the Summer 2007 Contest and (along with Zero) defeated Lloyd Irving and Jak. In the second round, HK-47 bowed out, finishing last in a match against Crono, Zero, and Raiden.
- HK-47 byl droid-zabiják a lovec Jediů sestrojen Darth Revanem, lordem ze Sithu, krátce před koncem Mandalorianských válek v roce 3960 PřBY.
- HK-47 è un droide assassino costruito da Revan subito dopo la battaglia di Malachor V per servire come suo assassino personale
- [Source] HK-47 fut un droïde assassin, chasseur de Jedi, construit par Revan peu de temps après le début de la Guerre Civile des Jedi pour tuer ceux qu'il croyait capables de déstabiliser la galaxie.
- HK-47 was a Droid that appears in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
- HK-47 was released in 2006 with the Champions of the Force set.
- HK-47 was a Hunter-Killer-series assassin droid built by Darth Revan at the beginning of the Jedi Civil War and eventually became a Jedi Hunter. HK-47 specialized in assassinations and repeatedly moved around the galaxy, doing Revan's bidding, assassinating countless targets Revan considered a threat. HK-47 was badly damaged on a mission in Mandalorian space and was captured just as Revan was captured by the Jedi Order. After Revan left to unknown regions HK-47 was somehow damaged by "several blaster shots." and locked in the storage hold, all of his core parts went missing across the galaxy leaving Meetra Surik, who found HK locked in the Ebon Hawk's storage hold; to find the pieces of the puzzle to bring back HK.
- HK-47は、3960 BBYにマンダロア戦争が終結した直後、シスの暗黒卿ダース・レヴァンが制作したハンター=キラー・アサシン・ドロイドで、ジェダイ・ハンター。マンダロア戦争の最後の戦いで超兵器マス・シャドウ・ジェネレーターが大災害を引き起こした後、レヴァンは効率的に敵対者を狩り出す方法を模索するようになった。そこでHK-47が銀河系の各地へ派遣され、レヴァンが銀河の安定と平和に対する脅威とみなした無数の標的の暗殺任務を遂行することになった。しかし、HK-47はマンダロリアンの領域における任務で大きな損傷を負って捕えられ、間もなくレヴァン本人もジェダイ・オーダーに捕えられた。
- HK-47 — дроид, сочетавший в себе функции дроида-убийцы и протокольного дроида. Созданный за четыре тысячелетия до Битвы при Явине, этот дроид, вооруженный мощным разрушительным арсеналом, являлся безжалостным воплощением самой смерти, которая преследовала свою цель без устали до выполнения поставленной задачи. Презирая всевозможную органическую жизнь, эта модель являлась одной из самых опасных машин в галактике эпохи Старой Республики.
- Haych-Kay, as he was affectionately known, was a natural window cleaner. All he needed was a bottle of his best "Mace" windu-cleaner and a chamois, and he was away like a rat in a sock. No one could get quite the shine that Haych-Kay managed, every time. The other window-cleaning droids became jealous and wouldn't let poor Haych-Kay join in any window-cleaning games. Their attitude soured as Haych-Kay was given the prestigious job of cleaning all nine million and twelve windows in the Senate Hall. Finally, one of his droid peers, FK-U2, became so jealous that he smashed one of the Senate windows, and blamed the act on HK-47.
- The HK-47 Droid is the main boss involved in the Champion of Mustafar quest.
* Level: 80 (Group)
* Reward:
* 172,030 quest xp
* HK-47 Hologram
* Badge: Champion of Mustafar This stage consists of 6 trials, ending in the destruction of HK-47. Go speak with Master Pilot Menddle in the Mensix Mining Facility (/wp 417 -1316). Menddle will take you to the Crater of the Volcano, to fight HK-47 himself, and to end his threat to Mustafar. You will fight five boss's before you get to HK-47, and each of them has unique loot items.
* Trial 4: CY-M Prototype (CL 85 Boss 690k Health)
- Myöhemmin HK-47 vahingoittui ja G0-T0 varasti sen tiedot alkaakseen tuottaa HK-50 -droideja. Viisi vuotta myöhemmin karkoitettu jedi korjasi HK-47:n, joka päätti pysäyttää G0-T0:n avuksi saamiensa HK-51 -droidien kanssa. Neljä vuosituhatta myöhemmin HK-47 löytyi Mustafarilta ja avaruusmatkaajat antoivat hänelle uuden vartalon. Droidi kääntyi kuitenkin korjaajiaan vastaan, joiden täytyi sulkea HK-47:n uusi droidiarmeija sekä näitä tuottava tehdas. Taistelu päättyi avaruusmatkaajien voittoon ja HK-47 pakoon.
- HK-47 fue un droide asesino serie HK y cazador de Jedi construido por el Señor Oscuro de los Sith Darth Revan poco después del final de las Guerras Mandalorianas en 3.960 ABY. A raíz de la destrucción generalizada causada por el Generador de Masas Sombra, una superarma utilizada durante la batalla final de ese conflicto, Revan se inspiró para buscar métodos más sutiles de derrotar a sus enemigos. HK-47 fue enviado a través de la galaxia en sus misiones y asesinó de forma victoriosa incontables veces a objetivos que Revan había considerado amenazas a la estabilidad y la paz galáctica. Sin embargo, HK-47 fue paralizado y capturado en una misión en el espacio Mandaloriano poco antes de que Revan fuese capturado por la Orden Jedi. El núcleo de memoria del droide asesino fue dañado, lo que le h
- HK-47은 자아를 가진 살인기계이며 평범한 전투용 드로이드 그 이상이다. 4천년 전에 제조된 HK-47은 파괴적인 위력을 가진 수많은 무기, 목표물을 끝장내기 위한 무자비하고 흔들림 없는 추격, 그리고 미리 프로그램되어져 있던 모든 유기체에 대한 경시를 갖추고 있다. 이 살인 모델은 은하계에서 가장 위험한 암살자 중 하나이다. 게다가, 그는 통역 드로이드이기도 하다. 이 부조화는 눈에 띄었다. 심지어 HK-47에게도 말이다. 시간이 흐르면서 그의 기억은 부분적으로 지워졌고, 그는 자신의 기억을 이어붙일 수 없었다. 그는 자신이 그저 ‘고깃덩이’들을 좀 쏴버리길 원한다는 것을 알고는 있었지만, 어째서 그러고 싶어 하는지, 또는 어떻게 자신이 유기체의 삶을 ‘고깃덩이’로 생각하게 되었는지, 아니면 어째서 즐겁게 폭력을 쏟아 부을 수 있도록 잘 장비되었는지는 정확히 알지 못했다.
- Tier: 9-B to 8-A Name: HK-47 Origin: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Gender: Technically none but is programmed to be masculine Age: 318 by the Galactic War Classification: HK-series assassin droid Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, expert marksmen, computer/data slicer Attack Potency: At least Wall level to at least Multi-City Block level (Destructive power depends upon the weapon he uses) Speed: Superhuman, likely higher (His speed is superhuman to an unknown degree, though it is worth noting he was specifically constructed by Revan to be a Jedi Killer)
- HK-47 was a Hunter-Killer assassin droid and Jedi hunter constructed by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, shortly after the end of the Mandalorian Wars in 3960 BBY. In the wake of widespread destruction caused by the Mass Shadow Generator, a superweapon used during the final battle of that conflict, Revan was inspired to seek more subtle methods of defeating his enemies. HK-47 was sent throughout the galaxy on his missions and successfully assassinated countless targets whom Revan had deemed threats to galactic stability and peace. However, HK-47 was badly crippled and captured on a mission in Mandalorian space shortly before Revan himself was captured by the Jedi Order.
- HK-47 is a character from the Star Wars Universe. He is an assassin droid, created by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan. He first appeared in the game 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic' as a playable party member. He returned in the sequel 'The Sith Lords' as an optional party member, and as an optional boss in the Massive Multiplayer Online RPG 'Star Wars: Galaxies'.
- HK-47 was an assassin droid constructed prior to the Jedi Civil War by the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, Revan. Purpose-built with advanced programming which included the ability to operate autonomously, he was sent on a number of covert missions to eliminate specific targets. During one such operation in Mandalorian space, he was damaged and subsequently captured by a Mandalorian soldier, who attempted to reprogram the droid to attack Mandalore himself. That mission failed, however, and HK-47 was again given different programming.