| - So you've decided you're interested--at least, interested enough to connect and learn a little more about this Chiaroscuro thing. If you're already familiar with telnet and MU* style games, go ahead and skip on to the sub-section titled "First Connection". If you're not, read on to find out how to connect to the game. So here's how you fire it up. Click on "Start" and select "Run". Now type in "telnet.exe" without the quotes, and hit the enter key. Poof. It should pop right up for you, looking a little bit like the command prompt--but don't worry, you can't break anything from here.
| - So you've decided you're interested--at least, interested enough to connect and learn a little more about this Chiaroscuro thing. If you're already familiar with telnet and MU* style games, go ahead and skip on to the sub-section titled "First Connection". If you're not, read on to find out how to connect to the game. Telnet requires a client to run properly, and you may be pleased to know that there's plenty of good ones available for free on the net. Now don't panic--if, for whatever reason, you don't want to download, Microsoft Windows, at the very least, comes with a basic one of its own. Now, mind you, it's not a great one, but it's fine for starting out, or for if you'd rather not download. So here's how you fire it up. Click on "Start" and select "Run". Now type in "telnet.exe" without the quotes, and hit the enter key. Poof. It should pop right up for you, looking a little bit like the command prompt--but don't worry, you can't break anything from here. The first thing you'll want to type in is "set localecho". All this is going to do is make it so that after you connect to the game, you can see what you're typing--just a convenience issue, really. After that's done, it's time to actually connect. Type "open jointhesaga.com 3005" and hit enter. It might take a moment to come up while telnet searches for the right place, but then you should get the image of the OtherVerse login screen.