| - The Decepticon forces had succeeded at driving the Autobot army off of Cybertron. However, the Autobot forces retained staging grounds on Cyberton's two moons (these were Moonbases #1 and #2) and were also in the final phase of preparations for an assault on Cybertron itself. All that remained was the transport of a final shipment of Energon cubes from Autobot City's production facilities. Optimus Prime dispatched a shuttle to Earth for this purpose, which was interestingly crewed by most of his command staff, specifically by Prowl, Ironhide, Brawn & Ratchet. Unfortunately for the Autobot Moonbases, Laserbeak -who had been sent to spy Moonbase #1- discovered that base's Autobots' intention of attacking Cybertron in an attempt to take it back, and quickly warned Megatron. In an operation reminiscent of the Decepticons' boarding of the Ark, Megatron then led a sizable contingent against the small crew of Autobots on the shuttle Prime had just dispatched. Taken by surprise, heavily outnumbered and outmatched, the four lone Autobots aboard were quickly overwhelmed and taken out of action with ease. The crew all perished (or were at least deactivated) in the attack spearheaded by Megatron, wielded by Starscream. No prisoners were taken, and all Autobot forces on board were destroyed or heavily damaged, but regardless of their condition, they met Primus. Having successfully taken control of the shuttle, Megatron explained that he had a brilliant strategy to all of his accompanying Decepticons: the captured Autobot shuttle was to be used as a "Trojan Horse", allowing its Decepticon occupants to breach the Autobot Early Warning Systems (that would alert Autobots to any obvious Decepticon presence, but would not do so if the Decepticon attackers were concealed in verified Autobot transportation craft)— thus giving the Decepticon forces the ability to launch a preemptive surprise attack on Autobot City itself, before its formidable defense system could be activated, which Megatron seemed to think would vanquish the Autobot army at long last. (...which is what he thought about practically all of his schemes.) (Note: There is a logical reason behind Megatron's thinking — Autobot City is, in fact, a massive energy-gathering facility, so if the Decepticon forces managed to destroy the City, then all Autobots fighting in the forces will be without a large supply of vital energy, consequently crippling the Autobot army's ability to sustain themselves, let alone wage a war.)