| - Burne Thompson continues his smear campaign against the Ninja Turtles, accusing them for the mysterious adductions of a dozen of people over the past month. Meanwhile, three thugs are robbing a jewelry store, but stopped by the turtles. One thug pulled out a blaster, Leonardo destroys it with his sword and catches him before he got away. Another one had a crowbar, but disarmed by Raphael. The last one was caught by Donatello, Raphael collected the gold and jewelry while Michelangelo tied the thugs. Before they flee the police arrived to arrest them. Despite that they caught the robbers the police ordered them to drop their weapons and surrender. At that point Donatello and Raphael complicit that their being arrested even they stopped the robbery. Before the police take action, they been encountered by two mutants, Amok and Overdrive. They defended the turtles by stating that their heroes, Overdrive uses his super speed and seizes the officers guns and Amok hurling a police car at them. They gave the turtles a chance to run while they handle the cops. A man at a bus stop disappears when truck drove by. The turtles run a down a street recollecting of what happen, almost being arrested for stopping a robbery and being helped by mutants. They just in time to halt a robbery at historical museum filled with priceless treasures. When the two crooks slid down on a rope, the Turtles came on the roof and pulled them up, Raphael threw his sai and pinned the robber, while the other was by Michelangelo's turtle line. As robber being pulled in he cuts the line causing Michelangelo to lost his balance and fall off the roof, but saved by a bird mutant name Raptor. The other turtles meet down below and greet by the mutants, they explained that they're part of a group called Highly Advanced Variety Of Creatures, their goal is to protect mutants who are shunned by humans. They invite the turtles to their headquarters, the turtles was unsure at first, but went with them anyway. They arrived underground doorway, inside leads to a luxurious place right underneath the waterfront. Mystic will take them to their leader of the organization Titanus, he will brief them the rest of their goals. Titanus is seen laying on a large royal-like bed eating a bowl of fruit welcomes the turtles. He explains that he created the place for mutants as they were outcast by humans because of their special talents, then offered the turtles to join them, they ask for moment Titanus gladly allowed. Leonardo wasn't sure about it, he questions how can they afford such fine furniture, where did the mutants came from, didn't like the way Amok and Overdrive take out the police (Raphael pointed out that they were helping them) and finally what did Highly Advanced Variety Of Creatures stands for H.A.V.O.C.. He knows something wasn't right, they called April ask her what she knows, she says that H.A.V.O.C. are suppose to appear atChannel 6 talk about mysterious adductions been happening, she also said that their had been lab break-ins lately. Leonardo suggest they investigate, but Donatello and Raphael are fed up for saving humans and they get rejected in return, therefor they refuse to do anymore. So the turtles split up. Leonardo and Michelangelo went to investigate while Donatello and Raphael remained at H.A.V.O.C. Headquarters, where Titanus allows them to look around while he prepares his mutant representatives appearance at Channel 6. Leonardo and Michelangelo arrived at the lab that has been wrecked, buy nothing taken. Leonardo takes put a map and pointed that three labs have been hit but one, the City University, which they are on their way. Donatello and Raphael continue to look around the base until they came to a door that says Do Not Enter, Donatello hears a machine of some sort from the inside and begins to hack the door panel. At Channel 6, April brings in Amok, Mystic, and Raptor for mutant campaign. The mutants are fed up with Burne for spreading rumors about mutants, he and April are in bind by Mystic's energy beams, taking them prisoners and their transmitter. Donatello hot wires the panel and gets the door open, where he and Raphael witnessing two mutants Magma and Seizure turning the man from the bus stop earlier into mutant. Discovering that H.A.V.O.C. don't protect mutants, but make them. Magma and Seizure sees, they stopped want their doing, seal the hallway, and proceed to catch the turtles. Raphael attempts to hold Seizure off, but Seizure extends arms grabs him, while Magma throws a fireball at Donatello's staff, burning it, and he too is captured. At the City University, Highbeam and Overdrive searches and found what they been looking for, a lens. Leonardo and Michelangelo arrived, they get knocked away by Overdrive who grabs the lens, while Highbeam fires his heat ray at the floor to keep the turtles from following them. The fire spreads, thus trapping Leonardo and Michelangelo in the burning lab. The fire continues to spread, Michelangelo throws a vial of nitroglycerin which cause it to explode and blow out the fire. Leonardo and Michelangelo head back to H.A.V.O.C.s base to see what're up to. Meanwhile, Seizure brought the captured turtles to Titanus who is very displease, he offered them protection and turn against him. He even states that mutating humans is improving them, as humans are inferior to mutants, and any mutant who opposes H.A.V.O.C. is treason. Titanus gives them one last chance to join him or meet their end, but the turtles refuses and pulled away by Seizure. In the mutation room, Mystic and Overdrive reports that they have Channel 6 prisoners and the equipment. When the two mutants left to set transmitter up, the door behind them begins to close, April kicks a pipe to keep to from closing, her and Burne pry it open and exit. She finds a screwdriver on the floor and use to pick the lock on the handcuffs. Seizure places Donatello and Raphael in trash compacter, the water begins to flood where they will be jetted into the river. They bang on the hatch to get out. The sound got April and Burne's attention, they manage to get them out just in time. Titanus discovers that their human captives have escaped, he orders Amok and Overdrive to find them, while he finish the mutation generator. Leonardo and Michelangelo made it back to H.A.V.O.C.s base only to encounter Amok, Overdrive, and Raptor. The turtles are being overwhelmed until the arrival of Donatello, Raphael, April, and Burne. Raphael threw his sai at a chandelier which lands on top of Raptor. Donatello leaps over Amok and has him crash into a wall. Michelangelo uses the turtle line to pull a dresser over which Overdrive runs through, slips and smashes into a wall. Donatello and Raphael learn the H.A.V.O.C. wasn't a friendly as thought, but they have bigger problems, discovering a mutation ray, and stolen equipment, Donatello might know what their up to and return to mutation room to stop Titanus. The transmitter and the lens installed to generator will mutant anyone caught in it just by pointing up, Titanus will have an army mutants when the night is over. The turtles came into the room able to knock the lens from generator by Raphael's sai. The turtles attacked, but no match for Titanus's size, strength, and weight. With the turtles out the way, Titanus repairs the lens, the turtles use another strategy, the principles of judo, the bigger they are the harder they fall, and when someone pushes you pull. They taunt Tiantus to them, when he got close enough the turtles pulled him in and pushes him onto the generator, wrecking it, the turtles fled. Back to the surface, Burne is grateful to the turtles for saving him and April. He was going to call the police to get the transmitter back, but turtles tell him that there is no way for the police to get by the mutants and said the transmitter got smashed when they escaped. Burne became angry by the fact that not only transmitter is very expensive to replace, but also blame the turtles for second time they knocked the station off the air, even though that the saved the city. As the turtles depart for home they wonder what next encounter with H.A.V.O.C. will be as Titanus seethes at newfound enemies Ninja Turtles.