Advisor, also known as CC-01/425 , was a character in Star Wars: Republic Commando. He was a clone sergeant. He commanded Delta Squad for all types of missions. During the Battle of Kashyyyk, he and Boss were arguing about saving Sev.
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| - Advisor, also known as CC-01/425 , was a character in Star Wars: Republic Commando. He was a clone sergeant. He commanded Delta Squad for all types of missions. During the Battle of Kashyyyk, he and Boss were arguing about saving Sev.
- If the game settings allow it, during an urgent crisis, the advisors in SimCity 4 will notify through a pop-up dialog box, which will provide a link to direct to the scene of emergency. Note that this feature is turned on by default, but can be turned off in the settings panel.
- An advisor is an in-game entity that provides players with advice and strategy suggestions to help improve their performance in a Civilization game.
- An Advisor is one of the many Irken jobs.
- Als Advisor oder Berater werden Bohnenmenschen bezeichnet, die im Schloss Bohnia wohnen.
- Kategorie:Maschinen der Combine Die Combine-Advisor („Shu'ulathoi“ in der Sprache der Vortigaunts) sind die Anführer der Okkupierung der Combine des Planeten Erde. Sind sind vermutlich auch die Herrscher des gesamten Territoriums der Combine. Sie treten vor allem in Half-Life 2: Episode 2 auf und werden vermutlich eine entscheidende Rolle in Episode 3 spielen.
- Advisors (prototype name, Peas) characters that appear in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
- An advisor, or adviser, was an individual who helped another individual—often a a leader, such as a King or Emperor—make decisions. On the planet Mon Cala, Mon Calamari Captain Gial Ackbar served as a military advisor to King Yos Kolina during the Clone Wars. Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine employed several bureaucrats throughout his reign that advised him on how to rule his galaxy-wide Empire. Approximately four years after the Battle of Yavin, Gallius Rax proclaimed himself Counselor to the Empire, an unprecedented title tasked to act as an adviser to the shattered Empire.
- >"My name doesn't matter. Whatever you call me, I am Spyro's doom!" —The Advisor The Advisor is an Ape who is Gaul's trusted aide. He is dressed like a ninja, and is found only in the Gameboy Advanced version of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night.
- Your academic advisor is responsible for observing, discussing student progress and offering helpful recommendations for improvement. Oftentimes an advisor can be the person that observes a student's progress and development over the course of their studies, and is best equipped to discuss academic issues on an individual basis.
- The Advisor served as chancellor to the African nation Imaya's President Letumba. He betrayed Letumba to install the prison guard Eda Arul as his successor, knowing this would generate greater strife.The Advisor backed President Eda Arul in his plot to slay the human rights activist Vincent Cetewayo, whom Arul viewed as a traitor to their nation. Arul wanted to send troops to the USA to take him by force, but the Advisor instead led him to arrange taking over Cetewayo's plane and bringing him to Imaya in a less public fashion. This proved successful, leading War Machine to defy SHIELD orders and fly to Imaya to rescue him. War Machine's invasion of Imayan airspace attracted the attention of Cable and Deathlok (Michael Collins), who flew there to stop War Machine from causing an internation
- Advisor was the coveted sixth and last of the rank of the Mentat order. Only 1/20 of the novices achieved it. Advisors were skilled in wisdom and diplomacy, possessing the abilities of all the lower ranks but also with sophistication and understanding. One Advisor was equal in price and value of a Sardaukar legion or a bloc of CHOAM shares.
- Primera aparición Primera aparición Última aparición Última aparición Última aparición Juego/s Juego/s Género Género Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque mágico Defensa mágica Localización Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto débil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Los Advisores (Consejeros) son unos personajes similares a los Toad de la Princesa Peach. Ellos sirven a la Reina Haba en el juego Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga de la consola portátil Game Boy Advance. Los Advisors son Beanish (residentes del Reino Judía) y son muy numerosos en el Castillo Judía. Durante el transcurso del juego fueron capturados y llevados al alcantarillado de dicho castillo. Categoría:Perso
First game
| - Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
| - Vanish
- Sends out exploding dummies
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| - There is one advisor in the game. She is voiced by Natasha Loring.
- The Science Advisor bears a strong resemblance to Sid Meier.
- There are four advisors in the game, each of whom focuses on a different aspect of gameplay. The Cultural Advisor is voiced by Vanessa Aspillaga, the Economic Advisor is voiced by Nancy Linari, the Military Advisor is voiced by R. F. Daley, and the Science Advisor is voiced by John Eric Bentley.
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| - *Hela Brandes
*Yupe Tashu
*Hostis Ij
*Auxi Kray Korbin
*Gallius Rax
| - *generic_actor
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| - There is one advisor in the game. It is called "ADVISR" and voiced by James Horan.
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