| - Castlevania RPG is a Sprite Comic written by Mike Finkelstein. A story somewhat paralleling Castlevania circa-Circle of the Moon, but mostly the cast just gets into random hijinks. They include:
* Darkmoon: An ensouled vampire with an insatiable lust for money and barmaids.
* Alec: An extremely androgynous Holy Warrior with a penchant for jerky.
* Katrina: Mage-turned-Catgirl via a curse.
* Princess: The comic's requisite princess--who happens to have lesbian tendencies.
* Angel: An Archangel sent by God to aid the heroes on their quest. Can be found here.
* Above the Ruins (that floating techno-dungeon thing that lasted all of four strips.)
* Absurdly Spacious Sewer
* Bad Future: The 1000th comic special shows what could have happened if Darkmoon had not used time travel hijinks to stop Evil!Alec from summoning the Elder God. Essentially, Alec and Princess are dead, Darkmoon himself is MIA, Angel has been possessed by the Elder God and now leads its forces, and Katrina is leading the remnants of humanity in a Hopeless War against them.
* Alec gets trapped in another one where Dracula actually managed to succeed in taking over the world, killed the rest of the party except for Golem, and is actually competent.
* Big Bad: Dracula
* Black and Gray Morality
* Character Development: Darkmoon going from a lecherous Jerkass to a semi-heroic Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Katrina going from a short tempered bitch and Squishy Wizard to an experienced mage and fighter and main voice of reason for the party, Alec going from a ditzy, somewhat Stupid Good man to a smart, confident and pragmatic hero, and others.
* Creator Cameo: The gods of the universe.
* Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Everyone, pretty much.
* Deadpan Snarker: A great deal of the cast.
* Designated Hero: Darkmoon
* Dude Looks Like a Lady: Alec is androgynous to the point that it turns Dracula gay.
* Dude, Not Funny: Invoked here.
* Even the Guys Want Him: Alec
* Forgot I Could Fly: Angel and his portals.
* Honor Before Reason: Katrina forcing Shaft to restore the Catgirl curse he'd just lifted, because she thought the cure had to be earned with good deeds.
* Hypnotic Eyes: vampire power
* Invincible Minor Minion: A rare heroic version, in the form of Bucky.
* Jerkass: Darkmoon
* No Accounting for Taste: Katrina hooking up with the openly-letcherous jerkass Darkmoon.
* Not-So-Harmless Villain: Dracula in the Bad Future.
* Our Zombies Are Different: Link is technically undead.
* Running Gag: A bunch:
* People looking for Link based on the color of his clothing right when he changes to a different color
* Everbody confusing the towns Jova, Veros, and Ondol with one another
* The "Lusty Siren" tavern and Darkmoon inevitably doing something to earn a chase from an angry mob
* Darkmoon's lack of navigational ability.
* Link getting dragged to Hell
* The Genie Knows Jack Nicholson: Angel's constant references to real-world pop culture.
* Trademark Favorite Food: Barmaids.
* Tsundere: Katrina, Princess.
* Webcomic Time: here
* Wham! Episode: The entirety of the Elder God arc.