| - K-ON!: The Abridged Series was created by Toaster and Zeromaster in 2009 after the series' release, they both thought it would make an interesting project as the series was fresh and only one episode was released at that point in time what added to that was that the cast was all female. Toaster along with Zero watched the first episode together and came up with several ideas for the parody and sought the help of: HokageTitan, RogueAbridger and Knightshade04 and thus Just5Guys was born. Early on KTAS changed alot from the original draft including character personalities and jokes/referances, shortly after Episode 1 was uploaded it gained several fans and Just5Guys started work on Episode 2 and onwards until Episode 5: The Referance, in which the video was taken down due to copyright enfringement (for Naruto: Shippuuden footage oddly enough), and thus the channel's 2nd account TheLoliBrigade was born where they re-uploaded episodes 1 - 5 and even gave them snazzy names and renaming the the episodes as J5G Parody. They continued to make more episodes until yet again copyright struck once more on their Christmas Special (a.k.a Episode 7), which Zero then decide it would be wise to upload the episode on Blip.tv and future episodes of KTAS in their original form where YouTube would get altered uploads (i.e mirrored/darkened footage). Shortly after the christmas special and during development of Episode 6, Toaster left the group due to personal reasons and thus Nightshade04 took over the role of Mio and FullmetalChao became an official member of Just5Guys taking the role of Azusa. And Zero became the official and only editor for KTAS. As of the release of season 2 (entitled K-On!!) as well as a movie adaptation, there has been no implications of a season 2 or abridged movie of K-On! Abridged, making this series completed for now, though things may change & there may be a season 2 in the future.