| - The Robeasts are the monsters of the Drule Empire that are sent to fight the two Voltrons of the Galaxy Alliance.
- Robeast, a portmanteau of "Robot beast", refers to the monstrous mechanical creations of Haggar in Voltron: Legendary Defender.
- The standard Monster of the Week for Super Robots and Super Sentai/Power Rangers. A Robeast is a Kaiju-sized monster, more often than not the same size as the Super Robot that battles it, though Robeasts in Sentai and Toku may also start in human size, so as to be a threat on a personal scale, then grows through some form of Applied Phlebotinum. Robeasts are rarely capable of human-level intelligence or communication, and even when they are, usually prefer to just roar instead. Examples of Robeast include:
| - The standard Monster of the Week for Super Robots and Super Sentai/Power Rangers. A Robeast is a Kaiju-sized monster, more often than not the same size as the Super Robot that battles it, though Robeasts in Sentai and Toku may also start in human size, so as to be a threat on a personal scale, then grows through some form of Applied Phlebotinum. Robeasts are rarely capable of human-level intelligence or communication, and even when they are, usually prefer to just roar instead. Robeasts are usually built with both biological and mechanical construction (though some are also completely mechanical, magical constructs, giant demons, and the like). They come in a dizzying variety of shapes, abilities, and weapons, and very rarely will any two robeasts look alike, even between robeasts deployed by the same villain(s). Many of them avoid humanoid designs and mook status, becoming a Mechanical Monster. They are almost always Made of Explodium. Not to be confused with Ambiguous Robots, though their design may sometimes imply they are this. Examples of Robeast include:
- The Robeasts are the monsters of the Drule Empire that are sent to fight the two Voltrons of the Galaxy Alliance.
- Robeast, a portmanteau of "Robot beast", refers to the monstrous mechanical creations of Haggar in Voltron: Legendary Defender.