Jules Hedgehog is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is the husband of Bernadette Hedgehog, brother of renowned scientist Sir Charles Hedgehog and father of the world-famous Freedom Fighter and hero Sonic the Hedgehog. During his time of service to the Acorn Kingdom Army in the Great War, Jules was fatally injured, forcing him to become the first ever Mobian in history to go through Charles' latest and greatest creation; the Roboticizer, to save his life, though could never hope to return to normal due to his lingering injuries. In recent years Jules had been reunited with his son and family and, despite being the last Robian, continues to be the father Sonic lacked for many years.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Jules Hedgehog
- Jules Hedgehog
- Jules Hedgehog
| - 'Jules Hedgehog es el marido de Bernadette Hedgehog, hermano del famoso científico inglés Charles Hedgehog y padre del héroe Sonic the Hedgehog.Es de alta estatura. Durante su tiempo de servicio al Acorn Kingdom Army de la Great War, Jules fue fatalmente herido, lo que le obligó a convertirse en el Mobian primera vez en la historia que tuvo que pasar por la creación más reciente y más grande de Charles, el Roboticizer, para salvar su vida, aunque podría que nunca se esperara que vuelva a la normalidad debido a sus lesiones persistentes. En los últimos años, Jules se había reunido con su hijo y su familia y, a pesar de ser el Robian pasado, sigue siendo el padre de Sonic.
- Jules Hedgehog is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is the husband of Bernadette Hedgehog, brother of renowned scientist Sir Charles Hedgehog and father of the world-famous Freedom Fighter and hero Sonic the Hedgehog. During his time of service to the Acorn Kingdom Army in the Great War, Jules was fatally injured, forcing him to become the first ever Mobian in history to go through Charles' latest and greatest creation; the Roboticizer, to save his life, though could never hope to return to normal due to his lingering injuries. In recent years Jules had been reunited with his son and family and, despite being the last Robian, continues to be the father Sonic lacked for many years.
- Jules Hedgehog ist der Ehemann von Bernadette Hedgehog, der Bruder des Genies Sir Charles Hedgehog und der Vater des Freedom Fighters und Hauptcharakters der Comics Sonic the Hedgehog. Während des ersten Robotnikkrieges diente er der Royal Army und wurde tödlich verletzt und durch Charles in den robotisierten Zustand gebracht, was ihm das Leben rettete, er durch einen Power Ring seinen freien Willen wieder erlangte und er nach dem Tod von Dr. Robotnik wieder mit seiner Familie vereint wurde, der Robian-Zustand jedoch erhalten blieb, da seine Verletzungen als normaler Mobianer zu stark seien, ihn wieder zu derobotsieren.
- Jules served valiantly in the Great War alongside his brother Charles and his old classmate Bernadette. After going on several missions with her and asking her time and again for a date, she eventually relented, and the two would eventually be married during the war. At some point during their service, Jules and Charles encountered the young Regina Ferrum when she came too close to the kingdom's territory and chased her off. (StH: #202, CSE)
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| - *Blue shirt
*Blue pants
*Red boots
Row 4 info
| - Los libros de Kirby el gran danes, la paz, su familia
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Row 1 info
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| - Dr. Eggman, Scourge the Hedgehog, Ixis Naugus
Row 4 title
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| - *Bernie
*Sonic the Hedgehog
*Sir Charles Hedgehog
*Royal Army
Row 2 info
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Row 1 title
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Row 2 title
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| - *Dr. Robotnik
*Scourge the Hedgehog
*Ixis Naugus
Row 3 info
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Row 3 title
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| - *Fell/Lack: Blau, Weiß
*Optics: Rot
*Besonderes: Eine robotisierte, weiße Locke auf der Stirn
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Box Title
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| - *Sir Charles Hedgehog
*Bernadette Hedgehog
*Sonic the Hedgehog
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| - * Cybernetic Enhancements
* Hand-To-Hand Combat Skills
| - His family, peace, Sonic, Bernadette, Charles, Tails, Muttski
| - *Kingdom of Acorn/Republic of Acorn
**Royal Army
*Dr. Ivo Robotnik
| - Jules Hedgehog
- Jules the Hedgehog
| - Jules Hedgehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog #192.
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| - *Hand-to-hand combat skills
*Enhanced robot strength
Hair Color
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| - Hedgehog
- Mobian/Robian/Hedgehog
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| - *Metal Plating: Blue and grey
:Brown hair pre-roboticization
*Eyes: Red
:Dark brown pre-roboticization
| - *Maurice
*Sir Charles Hedgehog
*Bernadette Hedgehog
*Sonic the Hedgehog
Eye Color
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Fur Color
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| - 'Jules Hedgehog es el marido de Bernadette Hedgehog, hermano del famoso científico inglés Charles Hedgehog y padre del héroe Sonic the Hedgehog.Es de alta estatura. Durante su tiempo de servicio al Acorn Kingdom Army de la Great War, Jules fue fatalmente herido, lo que le obligó a convertirse en el Mobian primera vez en la historia que tuvo que pasar por la creación más reciente y más grande de Charles, el Roboticizer, para salvar su vida, aunque podría que nunca se esperara que vuelva a la normalidad debido a sus lesiones persistentes. En los últimos años, Jules se había reunido con su hijo y su familia y, a pesar de ser el Robian pasado, sigue siendo el padre de Sonic.
- Jules Hedgehog is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is the husband of Bernadette Hedgehog, brother of renowned scientist Sir Charles Hedgehog and father of the world-famous Freedom Fighter and hero Sonic the Hedgehog. During his time of service to the Acorn Kingdom Army in the Great War, Jules was fatally injured, forcing him to become the first ever Mobian in history to go through Charles' latest and greatest creation; the Roboticizer, to save his life, though could never hope to return to normal due to his lingering injuries. In recent years Jules had been reunited with his son and family and, despite being the last Robian, continues to be the father Sonic lacked for many years.
- Jules Hedgehog ist der Ehemann von Bernadette Hedgehog, der Bruder des Genies Sir Charles Hedgehog und der Vater des Freedom Fighters und Hauptcharakters der Comics Sonic the Hedgehog. Während des ersten Robotnikkrieges diente er der Royal Army und wurde tödlich verletzt und durch Charles in den robotisierten Zustand gebracht, was ihm das Leben rettete, er durch einen Power Ring seinen freien Willen wieder erlangte und er nach dem Tod von Dr. Robotnik wieder mit seiner Familie vereint wurde, der Robian-Zustand jedoch erhalten blieb, da seine Verletzungen als normaler Mobianer zu stark seien, ihn wieder zu derobotsieren.