| - JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time is a stand-alone, limited release animated feature pitting the Justice League against the Legion of Doom.
- JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time is an animated movie about the Justice League versus the Legion of Doom. It is not rated.
- JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time (en español Aventuras de la Liga de la Justicia de America: Atrapados en el Tiempo) es una película de Warner y DC orientada al publico infantil lanzada al mercado doméstico el 21 de enero de 2014. La película paso prácticamente desapercibida debido a la cercanía de su estreno con Justice League: War. Está basada en la serie de televisión Super Friends.
- Created as a Target exclusive to coincide with their JLA line of toys, the new movie hearkens back to the Super Friends days complete with the Hall of Justice, and familiar rosters of both the Justice League of America and Legion of Doom.
- In the present day, Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom try to use cryogenic rays from orbital satellites to expand the Earth's polar ice caps in the Arctic Ocean, causing a massive drop in sea levels and creating new islands they intend to rule. Superman and the Justice League confront the Legion, dividing their forces to fight the Legion and destroy the satellites. In the ensuing space battle, Robin purposely crashes his spacecraft into the satellite array. Refusing to accept defeat, Captain Cold overloads the remaining satellite, which falls back to Earth and entombs Luthor in an ice sheet shortly before the satellite explodes. The League is triumphant and believes Luthor to be dead.