The Reverse Mountain Arc, also referred to as the Laboon Arc, is the seventh story arc of the anime and manga series, One Piece, and the first in the Alabasta Saga. The episodes concerning the arc were heavily edited, and much of the arc was completely omitted in the 4Kids dub. In this arc, the Straw Hat Pirates make their way to Reverse Mountain, and begin the perilous task of scaling its tricky rapids in order to enter the Grand Line. As they descend the mountain, they find that something huge is blocking the entrance. This arc also sets up a plot line for a new Straw Hat member in the far future.
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| - The Reverse Mountain Arc, also referred to as the Laboon Arc, is the seventh story arc of the anime and manga series, One Piece, and the first in the Alabasta Saga. The episodes concerning the arc were heavily edited, and much of the arc was completely omitted in the 4Kids dub. In this arc, the Straw Hat Pirates make their way to Reverse Mountain, and begin the perilous task of scaling its tricky rapids in order to enter the Grand Line. As they descend the mountain, they find that something huge is blocking the entrance. This arc also sets up a plot line for a new Straw Hat member in the far future.
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| - The Reverse Mountain Arc, also referred to as the Laboon Arc, is the seventh story arc of the anime and manga series, One Piece, and the first in the Alabasta Saga. The episodes concerning the arc were heavily edited, and much of the arc was completely omitted in the 4Kids dub. In this arc, the Straw Hat Pirates make their way to Reverse Mountain, and begin the perilous task of scaling its tricky rapids in order to enter the Grand Line. As they descend the mountain, they find that something huge is blocking the entrance. This arc also sets up a plot line for a new Straw Hat member in the far future. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
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